Chapter 22

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Brittany's POV

The last couple days of been awkward between Frankie and I. I have been civil towards her but she is sort of immature for her age. So I have been avoiding the house whenever I can. For instance like right now. I am walking on the beach just enjoying the view. It is sort of cold out today so I won't be swimming in the ocean. I found some rocks to sit on and just think about things. I lost track of time for a while before I noticed somebody was next to me.

"Sorry to startle you. I just wanted to see the view from the rocks." a really cute guy said sitting down next to me. He was tall and tan and had sandy blonde short hair. He was the perfect example of a beach boy.

"I'm David by the way." he said sticking his hand out

"I'm Brittany." I said shaking it

"So Brittany what brings you here to the beach all alone?" he asked

"Well I graduated high school last week and my best friend Mallory's parents rented for her and all her friends a beach house for two weeks. We just got here on Saturday. For the alone part my ex boyfriend is down here in the same house and he invited his new girlfriend for the first week." I explained to him

"Ah gotcha. I'm taking it you don't like her?" he asked smiling

"She is a year younger than us so she is a little immature. She is always all over Sammy too and I have never been a fan of PDA." I said making a face

"Me either. I mean what is so attractive about slobbering all over a person in public?" he asked making me laugh

"What about you David? What brings you down here?" I asked smiling at him

"I graduated high school two weeks ago and I am going into the marines with a group of my friends. From where I am from eveybody goes into the army for a little bit. Family tradition as well. So for a week before we go to boot camp we all thought we come down here and relax." he explained to me

"Wow well thank you for serving the country. Well as long as we both are down here for the week maybe we should hangout more." I said elbowing him making him laugh

We talked for about an hour more. We talked about our families and our friends and what we want to do when we get older. There was something about David that you are just attracted too. He is a really sweet guy.

"So look I should probaly be getting back for dinner but my friends and I are hanging out at this teen club tonight called JoJo's. You and your friends should come." he said helping me up

"Sounds like fun. What time should we meet you by?" I asked

"How does eight o clock sound?" he asked

"Sounds perfect. See ya later." I said

"See ya later Brittany." he said kissing my cheek

I walked back into the house and passed people who were grilling in the backyard.

"What's up with you? Oh my god you didn't smoke weed right?" Mallory asked me feeling my head

"Stop it! And no I did not smoke weed. I met somebody today." I said smiling

"Who who?! We want all the details!" Emily explained rushing me into the house

"Ok well his name is David he is our age and he is going into the Mariners next week. He is here for the week with his friends though and he invited all of us to some teen club tonight at eight called JoJo's." I explained

"OO army guys! I am so in!" Chels said laughing

"Army guys sometimes can be douchebags." Sam said chimming in

"Are you sure you just arn't jealous?" Marie asked smirking making everybody else laugh

"No I'm not jealous." he said playing it off

"Fine than you guys come with all us girls tonight and have some fun." I said throwing a roll of paper towels at him

"It's a date." he said smirking


We arrived at the club and it was hopping. Everybody seemed like they were having a lot of fun.

"Hey Britt!" David said giving m a hug and keeping his arm around my shoulder

"Hey David these are my friends." I said introducing him to everybody. He introdued me to his friends and everyody seemed like they were hving a good time.

For a while we just danced and took lots of pictures. David and I were flirting hard core before he said he had to go to the bathroom. But he has been there for a while now.

"So having fun?" I asked all the guys getting myself a drink

"Yeah this place is pretty cool. And your new boyfriend is an awesome guy as well." Johnson said smiling

"He is not my boyfriend. Just a thing for the next couple days." I said shrugging

"Well we are glad you are having fun." Brock said giving me a hug

We stayed at the club for about two more hours. When we got home everybody was sober except for Frankie. She got drunk at the club and she is completely wasted. She is starting to get on everybody's nerves.

"So Britt David is really nice." Frankie slurred sitting down on the couch

"Thanks. He should be a lot of fun the next couple days." I said smiling

"Oh so thats what kind of girl you are. A slut." she said giggling

"Excuse me? How am I a slut?" I asked getting mad now

"Because you are going to sleep with David and than just never speak to him again. I know exactly your type." she said smiling

"Ok you know what you see this Frankie?" I asked pointing to the trash can and she nodded

"Jump right in because that's where trash belongs." I said pissed now

"Britt!" Mallory exclaimed shocked

"She has no right to talk like that." I said shaking my head

"You have no right to talk to my girlfriend like that." Sam said coming into the room now

"And you are just going to let her call me a slut? Sam you have known me longer." I said confused

"Yeah but he loves me." Frankie said draping herself all over him

"Well did he tell you Frankie that him and I used to date before I got in a car accident and didn't remember anything including him. He told me he was going to stay around because he loved me but he ended up giving up and moving to LA instead. I'm so glad you know the type of guy you are dating but yeah I'm the slut." I said marching upstairs

"Britt calm down." Erin said chasing after me

Frankie started yelling other things at me like me being a bitch, whore, and a cya next tuesday.

"That's it I am done." I said to Erin. I walked into Frankie and Sam's room and picked up her matress and pillows. I walked over to the railing and threw the matress and pillows over so they landed on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Frankie yelled

"You are sleeping on the floor from now on because that's where dogs sleep." I said before walking into my room and shutting the door. What a night.

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