Chapter 20

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Brittany's POV

It is crazy to say this but I just graduated high school. The ceremony was really nice and now we are all taking pictures. Mallory and I just took a lot of pictures than me and my other girlfriends did. I took pictures with all of the guys as well.

"Sam come over here." I said calling him over

"What's up?" he asked saying hello to my parents

"I would like to take a picture with you." I said smiling. He smiled back and we took multiple pictures. Some on my parents camera and the others on his parents' camera.

After the photoshoot was done it got really hot in the audiotorium so so all decided on leaving. Emily is the one having the party tonight and we are all really excited.

"Well we did it!" Marie exclaimed tackling me into a hug

"I know we never thought you could do it." I said laughing teasing her

"See that is what I am not going to miss. Your sarcastic comments." she said rolling her eyes

"You know you love me." I said hugging her

"Hey no hugging without me!" Mallory sayd running over towards us

"So what time does the party start tonight at?" I asked

"Eight o clock and guess what bitches?" Mallory asked us

"My parents as a graduation presant rented out a beach house for all of us including the guys to stay at for the next two weeks!" she exclaimed and we all started freaking out

"Is everybody able to go?" I asked

"Hell yeah! It's finally summer!" she yelled to nobody in particular and we just laughed

I am wearing black mini shorts with a green and black floral blouse tucked into them and dark brown gladitor sandals. My hair is straight and pulled up into a ponytail and my makeup is it normal.

"Sup Britt!" Emily greeted me as I walked through the door

"Hey pretty lady." I said giving her a hug

"It amazes me how you have completly lost your accent. But you sound good as an American." she said handing me a drink

"Thanks. Some words I say still sound british but not very much anymore." I said laughing

"Why arn't you doing shots with us? Come on lets go." Erin said grabbing my hand and pulling me over towards the table. We all did about two shots before going back to drinking our beers. Good thing verybody is sleeping over.

The party was going really well. Everybody wasn't drunk drunk but they were a good buzzed. I have just been talking to everybody for a while and it has been fun. I walked outside to get som fresh air and saw Sammy sitting by himself on the fence.

"Hey." I said sitting down next to him

"Hey having fun?" he asked me

"Yeah I am enjoying myself. How about you?" I asked looking up at him

"Yeah I have really missed everybody. But it was getting hot in there." he said swilring his drink around

"Are you mad at me or something? Because today at graduation you seemed pissed off at me except when our parents were taking pictures of us." I asked him

"Yeah Britt I am pissed off at you. I know you remember everything. And the thing that I can't figure out is why you didn't call and tell me." he said coldly

"Sam it's complicated." I said quietly looking down

"What is so fucking complicated about it that everybody had to hide it from me? I fucking love you Britt why would you keep that from me?" he asked confused

"Sam I didn't want to keep you from your dream. Ever since I met you you have always wanted to be a rapper. I didn't want to be the person to stand in your way." I explained to him

"You wouldn't have stood in my way Britt. We could of had a long distance relationship!"

"And how would I have felt Sam? We would only see each other through a screen not in person. How is that a relationship?" I asked shaking my head

"You could have still called instead of leaving me in the dark. We could have at least talked about it." he said downing the rest of his drink

"I knew it would have ended up in a screaming match like we are having now. You can be an asshole when we fight Sammy." I said

"Oh I'm the one who is th asshole? Who was the one that got into a fucking car accident and didn't remember anything including me. Who was the one that chose her douchebag ex boyfriend over me? I was the one who stuck by you for almost two months trying to get you to fall back in love with me. Trying to get you to be normal again but yeah I'm the one who is the asshole." he said coldly

"That's not fair and you know it. I couldn't control whether or not we got into that accident that night. And I sure as hell couldn't control that I lost part of my memory for over a month. I'm sorry I was confused and didn't know what to do but that makes me the bad guy to you doesn't it." I said downing the rest of my drink

"I guess we arn't ever going to come to an agreement on this are we?" he asked looking down

"I guess not."  said begining to walk away before I turned around again

"And just so you know I did try to contact you after I remembered. After I got released from the hopital I ran all the way to your house and rang your doorbell. Your mom answered and I asked if you were home and she goes oh you didn't hear? Sammy and Nate and the Jacks moved to LA they finished high school early. My heart sunk into my stomach when I herd that Sam. But yeah I am the asshole and such a bad person for not telling you. After that day I did try to call you but every time I would pick up the phone I would hang up because I was too scared. So don't you ever say that I didn't try because I did Sam. Think what you want because I don't care anymore." I said shaking my head as I walked back inside to the party

I herd him calling my name but I was just too hurt and mad to turn around.

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