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Oh, I know! 1 and 3 are true and 2 is false! Is that right???” She asked excited

Sure is, you got all three, well done!” I said and hugged her.

Those were hard questions too, you must be a big fan.” Jess suggested. The girl nodded and went over to the prize box.

After the other 6 went through. We took a quick picture with them and continued on with the show. We decided to start the show off with a bang after the game and the song was Chasing the Sun. We bought out the dancers and lights and everything. The crowd enjoyed it and the rest of the concert. We were finished by 3:30 and the arena was empty. We went backstage and got changed and back to the hotel.

We got back and I flopped back on my bed. I turned on my Laptop and logged into Skype. I looked to check what time it was in Brisbane, it was 8:30am. I looked on my screen to see Harry had just logged in. He typed a message

Hey, just woke up, message me back when your ready and I'll video call you. Also can you get Addi and Jess onto their Skypes, Liam wants to talk to Addi and I think Niall wants to ask Jess out... Lol I have no idea. Anyways Miss you and love you heaps babe. Haz xx

I messaged him back

HEY! OO OK, I'll go let them know now, seeing as their hotel rooms are next to mine. I'll be right back love you and miss you heaps too Harry! Jaz xxx :D

I got up and ran out the door. I went and knocked on Jess's door first. She opened it and gave me a weird look.

“Go on your skype, Niall is trying to get hold of you and Harry and I think he's gonna ask you out!” I said, all really fast

OO Really!!! Ok I'm gonna go do that, thanks for telling me Jaz.” She said

No problem Jess see you later.” I said and then ran to Addi's Door and knocked

What do you want?” She asked

Liam is trying to Skype you. He wants to talk to you about something. Gotta go, Harry's gonna skype me bye.” I also said really fast and ran back over to my place and into my room. I smiled and messaged him.

I'm back, ready when you are. Jaz xx :D

A couple of minutes later I got an incoming Skype call and I answered it.

Hey Babe”

Hey Harry, how are you?”

I'm good, how was the concert?”

Good, we played a game of two truths and a lie with 9 lucky fans. That was fun. And we sang one of your songs, hope you don't mind.”

Nope, thats fine. Sounds like it was a good concert though. And by the way I have a surprise for you.” “Really? What is it?”

Now it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?”

I guess not, but does it have something to do with the other boys?”

Yes, it does. And of course it involves you girls.”

Ok, I'm completely lost now. Guess I'll have to wait and find out.”

Yep, you sure will.”

So where are you?”

On a plane, we're making a quick trip to Perth before we head to Melbourne.”

Oh, cool. So who are you sitting next to?”

I'm sitting next to Zayn. He's snoring is annoying me.”

Aww, you'll live babe. I'm sure Zayn thinks your snoring is annoying.”


We talked for the next two hours just catching up and talking as if we were in the same room. I missed him so much. I couldn't wait for the next three weeks to pass so I could see him. I was so excited. I was definitely in love with Harry Styles and have been since the moment I saw they're WMYB video on TV. I still remember the ad off by heart and I replay it every time I miss him and it reminds me that all this being away from each other and touring, will be worth it n the long run. We don't think that now, but it's true.

Unconditionally In Love With StylesWhere stories live. Discover now