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One Week Later:

I feel like I'm gonna be... wait, be right back.” I said. We'd just gotten of the plane and gotten home and I was feeling really sick. I hated planes, I always got sick and pale, every time. And Australia being so freaking far away, made it worse.

Went I finished, I brushed my teeth and walked back out. I suddenly felt heaps better, like I'd never been sick. I laughed and saw Zayn sitting there on my couch.

So, whats this thing you have planned?” I asked

Just something romantic. It's being set up as me speak, that is if your felling ok?” He asked

I'm fine now, just a little tired.” I said.

Oh, good. Well shall we go?” He asked. I nodded and we got in my car and drove to where Zayn told me to.

We soon arrived at the docks at the lake. I gave Zayn a weird look. He just smiled and got out of the car. He lead me to a nice boat which had fake candles, so they would blow out from the wind and a blanket with a basket on it. I smiled

Dinner on a boat?” I asked

Pretty much.” He replied and helped me into the boat.

I sat in the middle and Zayn started it up and steered it out into the lake so we were alone more.

Zayn, you didn't have to do all this.” I said, after finishing my food.

I know, but you deserve it.” He said.

Aww, your so cute.” I replied and he got up on his knees and cleaned up the food. He was scarishly close to the edge of the boat.

Next minute he streched his arms up yawning and leaned a bit too far back, tipping him, me and everything out of the boat. We resurfaced and Zayn spat out the water.

It's moments like these when I wish I could swim.” He said as me both grabbed onto the boats edge. We laughed

Just keep moving your legs and you should be fine.” I said.

Ok, so this isn't exactly how I planned it.” He said. I smiled and kissed his lips. He kissed back, us both still holding onto the boat but each other too.

He broke away and smiled.

Will you, Jazmine Harper, be my girlfriend?” He asked

I said it once, and I'll say it again. Yes, of course.” I said and crashed my lips onto his.

Ok, I think we should tip the boat back over so we can get out of the water.” He said

Yeah, ok. I agree.” I said. With in the next 5 minutes, we had the boat up the right way and we were heading back to the docks. We were both smiling.

We got back to mine and he found something clean out of his suit case and I head up to my room to find something comfortable, but nice. I found my black leggings with the silver gems down the side and put them on. I then found a light blue singlet top and pulled it on. I grabbed my navy blue varsity cardigan and pulled it over my shoulders seeing as it was warm but a bit chilly inside. I walked back down to see Zayn had changed and was zipping up his suit case.

He was wearing a pair of grey track suit pants and a white T-shirt. He smiled when he saw me and I walked over to him and hugged him. I was now 19, the same age as Zayn, and I was happily in love with my best friend..... Zayn Malik.

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