CHAP 16: Her Tattoo

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[A/N: lame update T. T]

The whole gang was now inside the guidance councelor room...

And while I was changing clothes, they started to ask Mrs. Gummy a question...

"Are you really the one who cover her scars???" bell ask

Gummy exchang eye contact with Seth, and when he nod, she just smile..

"Seems like, she's starting to trust people again... And thats good...


And for your question bell, Yes I did....

What happen that time was...."

I am one of her mother best friend, Once I was informed that her daughter were rush in the hospital that's why she took a long leave...

When I visit them, I was shock to see Diana, lying on her bed, thin and pale. 

Unlike before that she's full of life and joy, she now look almost lifeless...

Seth is beside her, helping her to feed, because she has no strength to feed herself, and there are even times that she would just throw up her food, kase ayaw ng tanggapin ng katawan nya...

and everytime that happen, I would only saw her cry, and never seen her smile...

one more thing I notice is, she never lay on her back... and when the times I had to help her mother change her clothes...

I saw it... those mark that those inhuman left her... and what worse I have learn that those cut got an infection, it swelling and blood stains her blouse, it'll surely leave a huge scars and would take time to heal...

and with that, I couldn't hold back, a sobs escape my mouth....

And her mom just look at me as she tries to not cry as well, but failed miserably as her tears continue to fall....

but unlike before, no expression can be seen on Diana's Face... She was just looking at No where, until she speaks...

"It's Okay, my back wasn't even painful..." She says, for the moment I got confuse, how can these be not painf--

and then it hit me... that what she went through was far more painful than this cuts...

From that day, I promise to help her recover...and regain her life...

months past and she started to gain weight, she's starting to look normal and not a corpes...

Sinubukan naming ilakad sya sa labas, as it is what her doctor advice... 

but the moment she steps out of her room and saw alot of people . she quickly hid behind us and cover her ears...

"They are coming...

They are laughing at me...



Don't Look!"  She started shouting, and when I held both of her shoulder, she shriek in horror.

"NO!!! Don't touch me, please" And then she kneel infront of me...

"Dont hurt me please...

They are here...

They're gonna hurt me..." She cried...

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