Being stuck in a Maze as the only girl amongst 50 boys had its perks: less social judgement, the boys had no girls to compare her to so she didn't have to put as much effort into her looks and she never had to bother with petty arguments.
It did have one downside though: shark week.When shark week came Y/N felt the most alone she had ever felt, and with no girl to talk to about it she was forced to tell the boy she trusted most: Newt.
He was really sweet and understanding about it, if a little confused and grossed out at the start. If she ever had really bad cramps or just a generally heavy flow day, he would let her have the day off.
Y/N saw it as another reason as to why she had a huge crush on him."Hey Chuck, need any help?" Y/N called out.
Newt had given her the day off due to painful cramps, but she still wanted to help out a little and knew that movement would help alleviate the pain."Uhh...uh, yeah sure!" He replied, going slightly red-faced.
This hesitant reaction confused Y/N. Chuck had never been anything but open and forthcoming, most of the time the challenge was shutting him up...
"Chuck? Buddy? What is it?"
"Uhh.... you have umm, a spillage on your trousers." Chuck said before shoving his face back into the laundry pile to hide his embarrassment.
Horror filled Y/N.
She'd leaked through her pad.
And to get to Chuck, she'd walked across the entire Glade.
Which meant they could all have seen.She started running, sprinting to Newt for her only viable solution: stealing his hoodie.
All of her other clothes were in the wash pile so she had nothing to change into or tie around her waist. And she figured that asking for his hoodie would be a smaller favour and less awkward than asking for some of his actual trousers; after all, he'd offered his hoodie in incidents like this before, wherein he was the first to notice."Newt! Newt, I need your help for a minute!"
"Y/N?" His face scrunched up in confusion, "Everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah..." Scratching her head awkwardly, she continued, "Actually, no it's not. I uhm... Could I borrow your hoodie? It's for exactly what you think it is."
Clarity spread through Newt's face as Y/N openly stared at him, trying to convey her message through eye contact.
"Ahh, yeah of course," he said as he shuffled it off his back and over his head, "here. Cramps ok?"
"Thanks," Y/N replied as she tied the hoodie around her waist, "And they're the same as always; random and as painful as being stabbed."
A small smile of comfort was offered by Newt as she shrugged off her pain, like the most badass girl he knew (and only).
As she started to move away, she repeated to him, "Thanks again, Newt. You're a real lifesaver."
"Anytime, love."
Spinning in her heel, Y/N's thoughts took a minute to process...
He had called her 'love'.
What the heck is that supposed to mean?!
Y/N's hormonal mind was thrown into overdrive as she continued to overanalyse his words for the rest of the day, in the hope that he may like her back.~time skip~
"Catcall me one more time, and I WILL CASTRATE YOU IN YOUR SLEEP." Y/N yelled over to her usual stalkers, teeth bared ferociously as she let her frustration overwhelm her.
"Hey, Y/N, calm down. He's just a stupid boy; there's no point wasting your energy there."
Newt calmly spoke to her before kissing her forehead to relax her.
She knew she was overreacting- Will hadn't meant to offend her and was just joking- and so she slowly nodded her head before snuggling back into his shoulder.The two friends had a close relationship, and all of the other Gladers knew something else was there; after all, none of the rest of them sat cuddled together.
Or gave forehead kisses.
Or cared that much for each other...
Most of the boys were really jealous.The peaceful pair spent another 10 minutes enjoying each other's presence as the rowdy boys galloped around the lively bonfire.
Y/N's cramps had picked up again, and with vigorous intensity: it felt like a thousand wasps stung her stomach whilst a shark bit her back and twisted her body into a foetal position.Groans of pain from Y/N pulled Newt out of his dream-like state; looking down in concern he whispered a quick promise to return before leaving.
Later he returned with a steaming mug full of hot water, a cage of mint leaves floating in it- he'd brought her mint tea.In awe and gratitude, Y/N hugged him tightly before taking the tea from him- after 2 years together he knew exactly what helped her forget the pain and comfort her.
"Thank you Newt, you're a lifesaver."
"Anytime, love." Newt replied, tucking her into his chest once more before kissing her head.
They both looked back to the bonfire.With flickering amber light embracing them, they looked at their family, their home.
They weren't safe here. But if just for tonight, they were happy here.

𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳
FanfictionFem!ReaderxNewt Imagines, including requests, AUs and crossovers. As of Saturday 9th of January 2021, Requests are closed! Slow updates with no update schedule. Cover by @-diggcrys❤️