{21} Torn Apart

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Y/N's medical check-up seemed to take longer than everyone else's; after a quick blood and urine test, the nurse called in a doctor, and the pair began murmuring between themselves.

Y/N began to get nervous, fidgeting with the hem of her jumper. The curtain had been pulled around her bed bay, and the last thing she had seen was an inquisitive look from Newt.

"Excuse me?" Her shaky voice got their attention, and her clearing her throat kept it, "But is everything ok?"

"Nothing to worry about. Just some fluctuations in your test results. Completely normal, we're just compiling your data. You'll be free to go just as soon as we're done. Then we'll have a guard escort you to your group." The doctor spoke quickly. Their voice had a shaky quality that put Y/N on edge- they were lying- about what, she wasn't sure, but Y/N always knew when someone was lying.

"My group is gone already?" Y/N's eyes widened slightly in shock, finally realising that the medical bay had gotten a lot quieter than it was half an hour ago. She silently allowed the doctor's lie to go unspoken, chalking her nerves up to an adrenaline crash.

"Yes. Now, the sooner we finish here, the sooner you can go, so I suggest it's in your best interests to stop talking now." The doctor's tone suddenly turned terse and agitated, further unsettling Y/N.

Laying back in her seat, Y/N remained quiet. She remained quiet as they left and the guard arrived.
She remained quiet as the guard escorted her to a group of girls.
She remained quiet as they walked down a deserted corridor.
She remained quiet until they walked past a corridor with a glass partition, on the other side of which was a canteen.

Staring in surprise, Y/N stopped walking when she saw him.
Approaching the window, she raised a hand to touch the glass only to be pulled away by a guard: "Let's go."

"They're my friends. I was told I'd be taken to them." She resisted against his grip, causing a slight scuffle to begin.

"Let's go." The guard became angry, pulling her arm more forcefully.

"HEY! Let go of me! They're my friends!" Her yells got the attention of the Gladers. Her unsettled frustrations and the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach finally erupted in a blast of anger, her fury surfacing with her loud voice.
Y/N could see their shocked faces as they ran up to the glass. They didn't reach it on time; she was torn away from them screaming and kicking, as they themselves were being restrained.

"GET OFF ME!" She roared, flailing her limbs in an attempt to get free.

Muffled yells came through the glass, Newt trying to get her attention, but before she could look back one last time she was torn away from the glass and marched to a cold and empty room. The rest of the girls were nowhere to be seen.
The walls were solid concrete, and the only furnishings of the grey room were a plain bed and a thin blanket.
The door shut behind her- locked.

Her hands were shaking with stress and fury, and she threw herself against the locked door; scratching, pulling, pushing, screaming desperate threats and demands to be let free.

White gas poured into the room and Y/N desperately tried to cover her mouth and nose with whatever cloth she could find, but her t-shirt did nothing against it.
The fumes fell into her lungs like thick tar, and she violently coughed as she fell to the floor, gasping for air like a dying fish.
Her eyelids squeezed shut, desperately trying to escape the claustrophobic pain of choking to death, but that release was only temporary.

After what seemed like years but was probably only a few seconds, Y/N's flailing body became limp, lack of oxygen casting a blanket of darkness across her active mind.
A last shuddering inhale was heard before silence befell the room.

 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now