{13} Carved in Stone

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Thomas' POV
If Thomas could remember anything past yesterday, he'd probably still say that this had been the weirdest 24 hours of his life.
He'd woken up alone and terrified in an unknown Box, only to then find out he would be stuck terrified in an unknown Maze for the foreseeable future: atleast he wasn't alone now.

Alby had handed him a knife, and encouraged him to make his mark on the wall infront of him. Names were scratched into it, jagged and slanted, but they were there. They'd probably still be there after they were all gone.
Some names were big and pointed, some were small and rushed, and some were scratched off.
But two were different.

'Y/N + NEWT'

Thomas tilted his head curiously. He knew they were close, it was plain to see even though he'd only been there a day.
He just didn't know they were that close.
It amazed him how committed they must be for them to have carved that on the wall.

"Yeah, those two want that to last- Y/N calls it their good luck charm, but Newt just says that she's his good luck charm. It's all a bit goopy if you ask me." Alby laughed.

Thomas found it cute, but decided not to say anything.
Confusedly he asked "They did that when they arrived? How did they remember each other?"

"They didn't. Newt wrote his name down when he arrived, a month later and Y/N came up to us. In the commotion surrounding our first and only girl, we forgot to tell her about this. Two months later and Newt realised her name wasn't there. The next morning we all woke up to this." Alby gestured to the wall, a reminiscent smile on his face.

"And they've both been here for 3 years? Together?"

"3 long, happy, years for them. Together through everything. Don't tell them I said this, but those two give me hope. If they can have something so bright and pure in a place so dark, then we should all strive for that, inside and outside the Maze."

"Huh." Thomas didn't know how to reply.

"Now go on, I don't want to be here all night." Alby concluded the conversation.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Thomas stepped forward to join his name to the wall.

 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now