{23} Torn Apart: part two

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"Touch her and I will kill you."

Over the course of their...stay... at WCKD, Minho had become fiercely protective of Y/N.
Standing over her sleeping form in their shared cell, he placed himself between her and the veritable army of masked 'doctors'.
Even calling them doctors in his mind felt wrong; that word was reserved for healers, caring and compassionate people who helped others- not monsters who tortured teenagers.
Especially not pregnant ones.

"Subject A7, examinations need to be carried out to ensure the safety of the test subject. You are to be escorted down to Level 23. Comply, and you will not be harmed."

Angered, Minho almost flew at the goons that poured into the room, if not for the light hand that held him back by the shoulder.
"Minho, stop," Y/N's voice was scarily low, her energy clearly sapped, "There's no point. When has fighting back ever worked?"

"But Y/N-"

"No, Minho. I won't let you get hurt again, not for me. They won't hurt me, I still have 2 months till my due date."

Still uneasy about leaving her, Minho's apprehension was clear on his face; so Y/N did the only thing she could think of, and took the lead in leaving the room.

One hand on top of her swollen stomach, Y/N grabbed hold of one of the shorter goons: "If you are making me walk the whole damn way there, you are atleast going to help me."

~time skip~

"Where the hell are you taking me?"

Y/N was confused and pissed off, pregnancy hormones only accentuating her temper. For the past 7 months she had been trapped here, and three times a week, every week, she was taken down the same corridor; two lefts, three rights and an awkward elevator ride from her cell- a pattern she had memorised early on, without really knowing why.
So why in the blazes was she now being taken somewhere else?!

Tearing her arm out of a vice grip, Y/N angrily glared down the guard, demanding "Why are we here?"

"Director Janson requires you see this."
The gruff man spoke before shoving her forwards again, guiding her reluctant form towards what appeared to be a one-way mirror.

"See wha-" Y/N's frustrated words trailed off as she properly looked, saw what she was meant to see.

Strapped down to a surgical chair, screaming at terrors that weren't really there.

"What the hell are you doing to him!?" Y/N threw herself at the glass, the guard, anything in sight- viciously trying to claw her way towards the only friend she had here.
"GET OFF ME!" She screeched as the guard trapped her arms to her sides and lifted her off the floor only for 3 more guards to flood the room.

"Leave him alone! Stop it!" She begged now, stressed and helpless tears trying to escape her eyelashes.

Before she could get any more worked up- or kick any more guards for that matter- she felt the bite of a needle, and the fast-acting effects of a strong sedative.
Her flailing body fell limp, and the last thing she felt was rough hands tossing her onto a med cot to be carried away.

~time skip~

She awoke in her cell, lying awkwardly on the bed, evidently having been carelessly handled.
You'd think for a bunch of psychos who wanted to experiment on the baby of 2 Immunes- their words not hers- they'd be a bit more careful with the baby's pregnant mother.
But no, apparently not.

 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now