{18} Surprising Spoons

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A thundering Minho was storming across the Glade: heading for the Homestead, he grumbled and complained the whole way there...

"Stupid Alby. 'Go wake up Newt and Y/N'. What am I? Some sort of errand boy?! Pfft!"
Minho wined, making his voice unnecessarily high pitched for his mockery of Alby.

Needless to say, he had woken up on the wrong side of bed.
And apparently, Newt and Y/N hadn't woken up at all- something that Alby said was Minho's fault for 'keeping them up all night' with his 'pestering' and wanting them to 'get so drunk they think they're giraffes'.

As his feet thumped against the steps and the Homestead shook beneath his sleep deprived frustration, Minho thought about exactly just how he wanted to wake those two idiots up.

Maybe he could sneak in and yell in their ears?
No, no; not dramatic enough.

Go fetch some water and dump it over their heads?
Hmm, no; too messy, and as Second In Command, Newt could really punish him for that one.

Make it seem like there's some sort of life threatening emergency that Newt had to attend to?
Yeah, no. Newt would definitely punish him for that one.

Running out of ideas quickly, Minho decided to perform some sly surveillance before making a decision.
Quietly pushing past the partition, Minho snuck gently into their room. He was not ready for what he saw...

Oh. My. God.

Y/N is the big spoon.
Alarm sounds start ringing through Minho's head. Y/N IS THE BIG SPOON.


He has to tell everyone.
Quickly moving to run out of their shared room, Minho ran around the Glade suddenly grinning.

On returning, he had brought with him a large crowd to observe the sight that Minho had described as 'legendary'.

Creaking open the door, Minho finally was able to wake them up...
To the sight of almost 40 boys gawking at them in bed.

Embarrassed yells came from both as roars of laughter came from the gathered observers.
Newt gave them all extra work duties and gave Minho 5 hours in the Pit.

The next night however, Minho found them sleeping the exact same way.
"Huh. Must be cosy. Cute, I guess."

This time he just left them to sleep peacefully: he had learnt his lesson.

Seriously though, Teen Wolf is amazing. You should all watch it. Hope you enjoyed! 🥰 Xx

 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now