He Is Safe

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Venus's POV

We had just returned to the lair, everyone safe and sound well everyone except Leonardo... the few injuries we had were being properly taken care of by Donnie and Talena. Mother and Father held me close as I wanted to run back and help Leonardo... but mother and father insisted I remain out of the way and wait. Wait... wait like a good girl, more like wait like a dog who is waiting for their owner to come back except I am not a dog and Leonardo is not my owner.... he is my boyfriend... my lover... my future husband I could not just sit and wait for him to return so I waited for everyone to be occupied with their own tasks and I ran down a tunnel, I heard mother and father calling my name but I did not care... I had to go back to Leo to make sure he was okay, that he got out, that he did not need help. I took a few turns and eventually made it to the manhole cover next to Shredder's empire. I took a stance when I heard a groan. I looked around cautiously until I heard the groan again.

"Who goes there?!" I yelled threateningly.

"V?" I heard a faint voice say before I heard the figure fall to the ground.

Leo? No, it can not be... Leo is stronger than this! I ran over to the figure, knelt down and then I saw Leonardo's face and blue mask. I felt something wet touch my leg... I looked down and saw a pool of scarlet red blood surrounding us.

"Leo!" I heard myself yell as I held him close in my arms before continuing, "do not worry babe... I will take you home."

With that, I helped him up and half carried half dragged him on my back to the lair. I would have carried him the whole way but without help, he was extremely heavy and I was already in pain from the fight we had to escape the Shredders empire.

When we got back Donatello and Talena immediately began to help Leonardo. I returned to Master Splinter and my parents to inform them of mine and Leonardo's return. The moment I walked through the doors mother, father and master Splinter embraced me. I was actually shocked that Splinter embraced me, then again he probably knew my intentions on leaving the lair. My parents were not happy about me leaving but they were glad that I came back safe and sound.

"Have you found Leonardo?" Splinter asked, I could tell he was concerned but did not want it to show in case I did not find Leo, but would I really come back if I did not find Leo? Simple answer, no if I had returned without Leo then you best know something went wrong or I am returning in a black bag.

I smiled and Splinter hugged me again tears in his eyes. Just my smile alone told him Leonardo was back and safe, granted Leo was not awake but he is here and I know Donnie will do anything to help his older brother.

"Thank you, Venus De Milo... you may be young but I see now your future is bright," Splinter said again before leaving the room to go be by Leo's side.

I went to Leo's room looking around, I saw his bed having a plush dark blue comforter and plush dark blue pillows with a few white pillows to match the white sheets. His walls the same shade of dark blue and his bed frame was dark wood material. He had a small bench at the foot of his bed that you could sit on but also open to store items in. Venus continued to look as she saw Leonardo's katanas leaning against the wall and she saw a small dark wood desk sitting in the corner with a dark blue chair. Leonardo had a few sketches drawings on the desk, when I glanced at them I was shocked by how much detail he put in and how beautiful they were. Finally, I looked at the ground and saw the dark blue fluffy rug, I left the room afterward and went to Donnie's lab to see how Leo was doing. When I arrived Splinter was gone and Leo was laying in bed resting. Donnie filled me in on what was going on... Leo lost too much blood... the way Donnie explained it to me was... Leo's body locked itself up to defend thus making him unconscious and unresponsive... but Donnie fears since his body naturally locked itself up that Leonardo may wake up with dissociative amnesia... we are all hoping this does not happen but only time can tell.

Several months have passed, and Leonardo still has not wakened up the girls, mother, and father have been living in our lair... I stayed behind to make sure Leonardo got better but I am starting to worry about the fact that he may never wake up from this. I was in the bathroom with Leonardo since it was the only way to keep his vitals up. I was healing his body since it was the only thing I could do. I sat down next to Leo and laid my head next to his arm. Leo... if only you could hear me... I wanted to talk to him so bad, tell him everything was going to be okay. That was when I felt a hand touch my head. I looked up and saw Leonardo was awake with a smile.

"Leo!" I yelled as I hugged him tightly but then gently so I would not hurt him.

I felt his muscular arm wrap around me as he hugged me back. When I yelled everyone came in and all joined in on the hug making it a group hug. Once the hug dispersed I slipped into the living room to give the family some time but that was when she arrived...

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