If Only

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April groaned in pain as she slowly got back up to her feet.

I need to warn Leo or Ralph... but how?... I am sure Ralph and Larota want nothing to do with me right now... and Leo is so far away... I have until sundown but I cannot tell what time it is in this sewer...

April gradually climbed her way out of the sewer, once on the surface, she looked at the sky. The sun shone straight down on her face.

It must be noon... I am running out of time...

April looked to the left then to the right, before falling to her knees.

This is hopeless...

April grabbed her phone and pushed a button before putting it against her ear.

Straight to voicemail...

She pressed another button and put her phone against his ear.

Straight to voicemail as well...

"If I were Ralph where would I go?" April questioned aloud.

April heard a loud thud hit the ground behind her. She slowly stood up and turned around, towering over her was a metal armor man.

"Who are you?" April asked as she reached for her fan.

"What are you doing here and why are you alone?" the figure questioned as they put their hand around her wrist stopping her.

"Well if you must know I need to find my friend before his brothers are killed!" April hissed.

The figure gasped a bit and stepped back before saying, "where are they?"

"I do not know I just know I have to find him they only have until sundown before they will be killed one by one! I know Ralph and Leo would never forgive me for their brothers... and Larota... she already hates me and would kill me if they killed her sisters," April said as she felt a tear slipped down her cheek.

The figure turned his back to her, he walked away slowly.

"Hey wait!" April screamed after the figure before running after him.

The figure kept walking but then he felt something hit the back of his head. He spun around to see April tossing a rock up in the air then catching it.

"Wanna explain what the hell is going on?" April asked sternly and irritated.

"I got some turtles and human to save," the figure scoffed before walking off.

"Hey! Those are my friends do not intervene! If you wanna get them you have to go through me!" April yelled as the light rain began to rain harder and thunder boomed.

The figure stopped and look at her.

April do not make me fight you... I know we have our differences but you can not know who I really am...

The figure thought to himself before looking at her, coldly he said, "I do not fight girls."

April rolled her eyes as she flicked her fan making it metal.

"But I guess you leave me no choice," the figure said as he grabbed his sais.

"Huh?" April said as she froze recognizing the sais.

"What did you do to Ralphael?..." April asked as a tear formed in her eyes.

Shoot my cover is blown

Ralph thought to himself as he tried to come up with something before saying, "I took him down so now I will take you down."

A tremendous clap of thunder erupted through the sky, a tear slipped down April's cheek.

Shoot I did not mean to make her cry... Donnie is going to kill me...

Ralph thought to himself as he tried to think a way to make a come back from this misunderstanding.

"The last thing I said to him... I was horrible to him... and now he is gone..." April whispered as she dropped her fan.

"Wait I did not mean it like that!" Ralph tried explaining but was getting tongue tied.

"It is over... Leo is gone... Ralph is gone..." April fell to her knees and held her head, "Karai has the others... she is going to kill them at sundown... if only I did not get in a fight with Ralph then he and Larota would be here now... if only Leo did have to go on that damn mission then he could be here leading us..." April sobbed.

Ralph froze her words washing over him like waves, waves of thoughts and what if... he felt as if he could not move... as if he could not breathe... all he could do was stand there and watch his friend who never seem to cry just break down into a million pieces and sob her eyes out.

"If Leo was still here maybe then Ralph would not have had his outbursts and even if Ralph did... Leo would go after him and make sure he did not get into an trouble... when Larota finds out she is going to kill me... she has hated me from day one... and Venus... I know she needs Leo... she loves Leo... but his absence has kept her distant and in despair... but in the end does it really matter? No matter how hard we try... no matter what we do... no matter what we say... no matter who we surround ourselves with someone always gets hurt! Life is pointless!" April screamed as her hair fell from her ponytail and down her shoulders, her long red hair soaked and silky.

"April..." Ralph whispered as he reached out for her but froze as he saw behind her... Karai with a sniper rifle... aiming straight for them.

"Good bye April O'Neil," Karai whispered as an evil grin stretched across her face, she looked into the scope and pulled the trigger.

"APRIL!!!" Ralph yelled as their ears all rang and everything went into a blur.


Sorry for coming out late but this story will continue on Friday's for now on, I know that is making it earlier in the week but with my schedule it is easier. See you next week! Since the change was made today I will not have a chapter ready for tomorrow sorry for the inconvenience.

Book 1 ~ Fallen AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now