Be Safe Little Bro

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Ralph was in shock, between April and Karai was Leonardo... he had hit the bullet with his katana. Sending the bullet flying into the wall beside them.

"Gosh seems like I made it just in time," Leo said as he blew the burn mark on his katana.

"Leonardo, after all this time you finally return I am sure Shredder will be pleased to know," Karai smirked as she walked away.

"Leo?" April question as she got up and tackle hug him.

"Hey you ought to be more careful April," Leo said as he hugged her back.

"Sorry, it's just... Karai took the others and this jerk killed Raphael!" April said with a glare towards Ralph who was still armored up.

"I see..." Leo said as he looked at Ralph.

It is like he can look right through this mask and see me... but yet I fooled April...

Ralph thought to himself.

Karai walked up to Shredder and kneeled before him.

"Father, Leonardo has returned just as planned," Karai said as she rose to her feet.

"Excellent, keep the others locked up and while you're down there torture the little one, after all, he is a traitor," Shredder said with a sinister laugh.

"Yes father," Karai said with a grin.

Karai walked down to the basement as she banged her dagger against the cells while she walked by. Amoly and Talena were in a cell together sitting there wondering where their sisters were. Karai walked over to Mikey's cell since he was separated from Donnie's. Karai unlocked it and stepped in.

"Stand," Karai commanded.

Mikey shook his head.

Karai kicked him into the wall, "stand now!"

Mikey slowly stood up and looked at Karai.

Karai stared into his eyes seeing the scar that Leonardo caused him.

Even though Leo beat him... and slashed him Mikey always knew how to keep a smile on his face, even when I felt down he could make me laugh

Karai thought to herself as she looked down the hallway.

"You know Leonardo will not stay with you," Mikey said as he breathed heavily.

"You liar! Our plan will work! We will take Leo back and we will prosper with his help!" Karai yelled as her blood boiled.

Karai put on metal knuckle gloves as she began to punch Michaelangelo repeatedly. Mikey stood there... he did not flinch, fight back, or getaway. He stood there and took the hits until his back was against the wall and he slid to the ground. He could hear Amoly and Donnie screaming.

"No stop!" Amoly screamed as she tried to reach through the bars.

"Leave him alone!" Donnie yelled as he hit the bars.

"You will kill him!" Talena screamed as she tried to open the lock.

Mikey felt something cold slide down his face and arm.

"Pathetic ninjas like him should not exist," Karai said as she began to walk away.

"You monster," Amoly said as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Monster?" Karai asked as she grabbed Amoly's face harshly.

"Just for that you will come with me and be my slave, disobey and Mikey over there will take the punishment," Karai said as she grabbed Amoly and left with her.

Amoly went reluctantly. When they were far gone Mikey jingled some keys.

"You dummy you almost die so we could be free," Talena hissed.

"I know Karai she would not kill unless commanded to," Mikey said as he unlocked everyone's cell.

"Now take the keys and find Venus, I am going after Amoly," Mikey commanded.

"On it," Talena said in confidence.

"But little bro you are still hurt and just got injured more," Donnie pointed out.

"I have faced Karai before while wounded and I will do it again for Amoly's sake," Mikey said as he clenched his fist.

"Alright... but after the girls are safe I am coming back for you," Donnie said as he grabbed Talena's hand and ran with her to find Venus.

"No need bro," Mikey smirked as he went after Karai.

Leo stood on the edge of the roof staring off into the stars as he tried to come up with a plan.

"I cannot believe you Raph," April cried as she threw rocks at him clanking against his armor.

"I am sorry!" Raph yelled as he fought the rocks being thrown at him.

"You made me think that you were killed! You are just the worst!" April yelled.

"Did know you cared so much," Raph hissed.

April froze her hands shaking with anger, "I told you that is not what I meant..."

"What did happen to cause you two to fight like this?" Leo asked as he looked at April.

"It is best if we do not speak of it," April said in a soft tone.

Then Larota tackled April to the ground. April rolled back so she could get on top but Larota kicked her in mid-roll and sent April falling off the building.

"Larota what the hell!" Leo yelled as he ran to where April was kicked off to see her body nowhere.

"That bitch deserved it, you should have heard what she said to Raphael," Larota said as she kept her head down, her hand resting on her hip.

"So killing her was worth it?" Leo asked as he glared at Larota.

"Yeah killing her was worth it," Larota said as she walked off.

"She is not dead..." Raph whispered.

"Yeah she is Raph and now you will stay here while I go save our brothers and the girls," Leo hissed as he jumped down to the alley.

"Even if she is dead she was just a burden to this family," Larota said as she walked to the edge of the roof.

"She was never a burden... when Mikey was working for you all and Leo was killing she protected Donnie and me when Leo went missing she left to bring him back, and even now she was willing to fight me because she thought I killed Raph, she is not a burden she is family... yes we have our ups and our downs but we do not let our differences separate us," Raph said as he held his head.

"I was an idiot... I let her down..." Raph whispered as he got up and looked down where April's body should have been.

Mikey made his way to Amoly after Karai left.

"Amoly, come on let us go," Mikey whispered.

"Mikey!" Amoly whispered as she hugged him crying.

Mikey held her close as he heard sirens alarm, he held her as he began to run hearing footsteps behind him.

"Do you trust me?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah," Amoly whispered.

"Alright here we go," Mikey said as he ran towards the huge glass pane window.

Mikey ran through the glass pane with Amoly, Raph and Larota saw them falling.

"MICHAELANGELO!!! AMOLY!!!" they yelled in unison as the foot soldiers chasing them halted to a stop standing inches from the broken glass shards.

This reminds me of the night I died except this time I was in Mikey's arms as we fell to our deaths

Amoly thought to herself as she closed her eyes tight and darkness surrounded her.

Book 1 ~ Fallen AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now