I am Sorry

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I woke up in a field of flowers, my hair tickling my face as the wind softly blew. I sat up to see light pink and orange clouds in the sky.

I died... but Mikey died with me so should he be here too?

I asked myself as I looked around.

"Amoly!!!" I could hear my sister Larota yelling my name.

"Larota?!" I yelled back but there was no response.

"Amoly, wake up!" I heard Mikey whisper to me.

"Wake up?" I thought to myself then the clouds and flower field turn to darkness as my eyes slowly fluttered back open.

Mikey was still holding me with one arm, his other holding his brother Leo's arm.

"How did?" I began to ask before Leo cut me off.

"Just had a feeling," Leo laughed as he hoisted us up onto the rooftop he caught us from.

I could see Larota and Raph near by sighing in relief. I saw Donnie, Talena, and Venus walking up to us. But only one person was missing...

"Where is April?" I asked in curiosity.

Raph, Larota, and Leo all looked away and down at the ground.

"Guys this is not funny," Venus breathed.

"Larota killed her..." Leo whispered.

Fear stroke mine and the girls' eyes as we stared at our beloved sister Larota.

"But we did not see her body..." Larota whispered.

"All we saw was the blood on the roof of the car she hit... so she may very well still be alive..." Raph whispered.

"We need to find her a fall like that could mean she does not have much time left... if any..." Venus whispered.

Everyone nodded and split up into teams as they all began to search. Amoly and Mikey started at April's house to see if she returned home. Raph and Larota surveyed the sidewalks to see if she was walking away. Donnie and Talena checked hospital records for April's name. Leo and Venus returned to the place April supposable hit the car. Leo sniffed the blood.

"This is fake blood," Leo whispered.

"How do you know?" Venus asked.

"Because this is Karai's fake blood whenever she wanted to scare someone or make a scene she used this blood," Leo explained as he looked for more clues.

"Now that you mentioned it this dent is far too big for April and even then she would have broken her neck and died instantly she could not have walked away from that," Venus explained as she surveyed the scenery.

"So Karai has her, this is where Karai crossed the line," Leo hissed.

"But Leo..." Venus began before the flashbacks flooded her mind.

Several hours ago I woke up in pain, my wrists chained to the ceiling and my body was covered in cuts.

"He will be mine," Karai hissed.

"He will never be yours!" I yelled in pain.

Karai slashed my body more, the pain surging through me like fire.

"Enough Karai we need her alive if Leo is to join you, my dear," Shredder whispered.

Venus snapped out of her flashbacks and looked at Leo. But she saw he was already gone.

"Leo!!!" Venus yelled as she looked around frantically.

Leo stood on the rooftop above her, he saw the cuts and bruises she had.

I will make Karai pay for hurting you and the others Venus

Leo thought to himself as he charged his way back into the empire. He stood in front of Karai and Shredder.

"Kill him Karai," Shredder commanded.

"What?!" Karai yelled.

"Do it!" Shredder yelled back.

Karai reluctantly pulled out her dagger and fought Leo. During their battle they locked her dagger in between Leo's katanas.

"Why are you doing this?" Leo yelled.

"Because I love you and always wanted you! I will kill anyone who takes you from me!" Karai yelled back as she got free from Leo's grip and kicked him into a wall.

"Well sorry to break this to you but I never loved you," Leo breathed.

Karai gasped as rage filled her body, "you made a grave mistake."

Then Karai fought Leo with all the force she had, she landed several hits on Leo cutting him severely. Leo fought back but the more hits she landed the weaker he got.

"We have done everything for you! We made you happy! Returned your hearing! We even gave you a place to call home!" Karai yelled as she continued to slash him.

"I was never happy here! I felt empty and cold inside! I would have never lost my hearing if I never joined you! I have a home with my true father who I found out is not dead," Leo yelled as he began to dodge more of Karai's attacks.

Karai got Leo down onto his knees before she breathed, "say your prayers you bastard."

The gang all met back up but three people were missing... Leo, Mikey... and April

"Guys where are they?..." Talena said worriedly.

"Leo went in to face Shredder and Karai to save April and us," Venus whispered as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Mikey said he had bad feeling and he just ran," Amoly said trying to not sob.

Leonardo was there on his knees, Karai ready to stab him.

Mikey was running as fast as he could to Shredder's empire. His heart racing as his life flashed before his eyes...

Leo reading bed time stories to me every night, Raph and I always have fun with video games, Donnie never caring when I broke something and always helped me if I got hurt, April who has always kept me smiling and kept our family together... finally... Amoly... the one girl I loved and the one I was going to miss the most.

Leo closed his eyes tightly as he whispered 'I'm sorry' and he thought of all the pain he put everyone through, him slashing Mikey and Raph... him swearing he would kill Mikey. Then he realized even all the pain he put Mikey through... Mikey always stayed by his side with a smile.

"Leonardo!!! Michaelangelo!!!" the gang all yelled into the night sky.

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