Ghost of The Jungle

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Leo's POV

When I woke up my head felt kind of fuzzy, I saw a light blue shirt girl next to me. Venus? Wait how did I know her name? Wait why am I putting my hand on her head? Why am I smiling? Oh no, why is she yelling and hugging me? Ow, so much pain just surged through my body. Then I see everyone else come in. Oh jeez, who are these people? Wait why do I know them? I do not know these people! What is going on?! Wait the light blue shirt girl left... or as I know Venus left. How do I know her? Something is not right here... then a purple mask turtle knelt to me and begin asking a ton of questions. Donnie? Wait how do I know his name?!

"Do you feel any dizziness, lightheaded, nausea, or fuzziness?" Donnie asked me.

Okay now, this is weird, how does he know my name? Why is he asking me this stuff?

"I dunno... um, who are you?" I felt my question.

At that moment I saw everyone's face go from joyful to sadness... one question and I shattered these people's hope... but I do not know who they are? Kind of? Man, my head hurts just thinking about it... Dissociative amnesia I heard the purple mask turtle mutter. Then everyone scattered out of the room and the light blue shirt girl came in. She was pale this time and seemed upset. She came over and sat down beside me, her cocoa-brown eyes holding back tears as she held my hand.

"Leonardo... do you remember anything?" she asked me.

I thought for a minute before answering, "no... I am sorry..."

I saw the hope in her eyes diminish as she rubbed my hand.

"We will get you help..." she said as she looked down at our hands before breathing out a sigh.

Splinter came in, he seemed familiar to me but I could not tell why.

He placed his hand on Venus's shoulder before saying, "Venus my child... go to the others while I have a word with him."

She nodded, sniffled, then got up and left the room. He sat down where she sat and put his hand on mine.

"Leonardo my son, I know you do not remember anything but you are strong and I know you will one day. I am going to send you onto a trip to the jungle, there you can live your own life till you remember your past and become a better leader," he said to me.

I was shocked by what he said but he was not kidding... a week passed and I was healed enough to walk and talk. I began to remember everyone's name, Splinter had prepared my boat and gave me the directions... I got on the boat and sailed off, waving goodbye to my family. When I got father away I turned around and saw my family in the distance, I frowned but I knew Splinter was right this was the only way to remember my past, who I am. With that, I kept rowing until I arrived at my destination. It was a jungle and there was an abandoned cabin with the necessities and supplies  I need. I got situated in the cabin and then headed off to the bedroom and laid on the bed to rest.

Venus's POV

Leonardo had just left... Splinter said this was the only way but I wish I could have gone with him but Splinter would not tell any of us where he went. Ralph has not taken this well at all and neither had Mikey. Not saying Donnie is not but he is taking it better than his older and younger brother. I do not know how long Leo will be gone I guess we will just have to sit and wait. Two years have passed... Leo has not returned and Master Splinter informed us that Leo was supposed to come back a year ago... and that Leo quit writing to us a year ago... April has been traveling the world finding ancient artifacts, statues, and things like that. I wonder what she has been up to lately.

April's POV

I have been traveling around looking at ancient artifacts specifically but I just got info on eight statues in a temple not far from here. I went to a village near the temple to camp for the night. While roaming the streets I heard most of the people whispering about a ghost of the jungle, who protects the village and lives in the jungle. I ran into a little boy who claimed he saw the ghost of the jungle. I knelt to him.

"Can you tell me where you last saw the ghost of the jungle?" I asked the child.

The little boy pointed at a tree before speaking, "I saw him there in the tree."

I gave the little boy ten dollars for helping me, "thank you little one."

"Do you know the ghost of the jungle???" I heard the boy yell.

"He was not always a ghost," I said before waving bye and heading into the jungle. 

While searching I fell into a hole, tumbling through the vines, trying to grab the vines. Then I felt myself caught by some muscular arms.

"Huh?" I felt I ask as I looked up at the figure who caught me.

"Leo!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

"You came a long way just to drop in," Leo chuckled.

"Heh yeah," I said as he set me on the ground.

"So what brings you here?" Leo asked me.

"Well I was looking at some ancient artifacts then I heard of the ghost of the jungle so I decided to investigate," I explained.

"Ah, you have always been the type to be interested in weird things," Leo said as he kept the fire alive.

"Leo, why have you not return? It has been two years... Splinter said you should have been back a year ago and that you quit writing a year ago," I asked and explained to him.

"I remember everything but I was a traitor to you all... I cannot go back..." Leo explained.

"Leo your brothers need you," I emphasized to him.

"I am sure they do not, I am sure Donnie has everything in order," Leo said as he looked up at me with his crystal blue eyes.

"Well..." I started.

"Let us hear it," Leo sighed.

"Well since the guys can not fight crime Donnie has been doing technical work with a guy we met named James," I explained.

"If Donnie has been busy who has been keeping an eye on Mikey?" Leo asked me.

"Mikey has been hanging out with Amoly playing video games and being silly but staying out of trouble," I explained.

"What about Venus?" Leo asked, this time I could tell he was concerned since he has been gone so long.

"Not good... she has been blaming herself for your absence, she has been keeping everyone together but the fights she and Ralph get into end badly, Casey and Larota always having to separate them..." I explained.

"Alright... let us hear it... what is Ralph been up to?" Leo asked not concerned at all.

"No one knows... he is either sleeping all day or fighting with Venus," I explained again.

"Then what is he doing at night?" Leo asked sitting up in concern.

Narrator's POV

We see a metal turtle foot and motorcycle wheels, as we look up we see Ralph's red mask blowing in the wind as he holds a metal turtlehead in his hands.

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