Chapter-1: Introduction

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Here goes my first time on this story.


??? Pov:

"Mr. Kesslar, so do you agree with my deals!?"

I smirked and said, "Yes I do agree. It's a great deal."

"But what if people find out that the president of USA has been fooling them and taking away their taxes money?"

I laughed at him and said, "People always talks about how justice is unfair and it peaks my interests. But hey Mr. Saber, they are so fool that they even forgets about their rights."

"Tell me about it." We both laughed.

Our drinking time was interrupted by a waiter, who is pouring down the wine in my glass.
I didn't pay attention to him as I started drinking wine in my glass.
Mr. Saber suddenly spoke,

"Let hope people won't find about it. I mean there were a rumors about both of us negotiating behind their back."

"(Laughs) There's nothing to be afraid of, my friend. Even if they do find about it, I will just alert my mafia before you know it."

We both suddenly laughed again and I hugged him as sign of friendship.

"Goodbye Kess--"
Howver he instantly fell on me as I look below.
I gasped as there were a hole across his chest. The waiter who was serving took off his hat and said,


I was shocked and fell down as I felt pain in my knees. Then he spoke,

"Justice shall prevail. No one escape from it. Time to put you out of misery."

I pleaded, "No! Please I pay yo-"

Third pov:

Kessler was killed by the gunshot to his forehead. The man began dragging his body and threw it outside the window, where it landed on the trunk of the car. Then he began to clean up all the blood including the security guards and waiters. He then changed into his clothes and jumped out of the building.

Suddenly his phone rings,
"Congrats, Levi. The mission is successful. Come back to the place so you could have a rest."

"But professor, did I do the right thing?"

"Yes. Don't regret. This is best for the people of the world. You earned it, rookie."


Levi's pov:

I returns to my lobby and laid down as I laid down on my bed. I heard a blink sound from my phone. I took it up and checked. There I saw an assignement file. All of its work are the people who needs to be assassinated. I sighs and turns off my phone as I went to sleep.


"Please don't. Whatever you want to do to us but please leave my baby alone. He is only a child!"

A man in black mask holds a baby who seems to be crying, he laughed evilly and spoke,

"Sorry, but my boss does not want this bloodline to continue. Neither do they want him nor see any use in him. But this will be the perfect revenge to the man who killed my boss son."

A father who were in puddle of blood gritted his teeth and told.

"She died in the hands of devils! Not us! I don't even know why your boss want to kill my son. But leave him alone!"

The man who were in black mask, laughed.
"Sorry, boss order."
The man was about to kill the baby but a gunshot next to him shook him.

(Dreamstate ends)

I shook my eye open as I heard the gunshots that was next to my pillow. I quickly realized that there's someone behind the closet. I jumped out of my bed from the sideways. I saw a woman in figure running behind at me with a knife.

As her knife were about to stab me, I caught out her hand and fought her. She then was in the submission hold by me. All I wanted was to make her pass out and find out who send her. Seem like she had a different idea. She then jabbed her elbows to the back as I grunts.
She then was freed from the hold and quickly pulls out her gun.

"Ha, seems like the report was wrong. You are easy to kill."
Then she pull the trigger but there were no gunshot heard. I held up my hand and showed her the bullets I took from her gun.
She growled and threw her gun at me as I fell back. Then she jabbed me to the chest. As she was jabbing me, I uppercut her who causes her to lose sights.

I pulled her up and punch her on the face multiple time. I kept on doing it till she fell faint. I sighs and sat down. I took up my cellphone and called the house assisstor.

"Hello Levi. Trouble again?"
"Yes, unfortunately. Could you please send the doctor up?"
"No worries. I send him up to patch you. Have a good night."
"You too, heller."

I grunted as I kicked her again and hold her through the pole with ropes in the basement. I decided to call the boss.

"Boss, there's a person who tried to kill me. Do you know anything about it!?"

"What!? Sorry but I don't."

'Thats weird. Usually he knows something even it is well-hidden.

"OK, I will start to interrogate her once she wake up."

"Hmm. Also I want to inform you that youll be joining kuoh academy for the secret mission."

"Wait what?"

"I found him. It's your brother."

I got shocked as I soon as I heard him say.

"I know you miss your brother so much, this is why Im helping you. I also found that there are devils living under the ownership of gremory and sitri households."

"I'm listening."


There you go, people. This is my first chapter in this story. Please forgive me for confusing you. But please tell me if you don't get the idea, so that I could explain anytime. This chapter does not involve dxd until the next chapter. I make sure to do the debuts well. Thank you for reading this, I'm truly honored to be author for you. Until then, goodbye.

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