Chapter 7:- Levi VS Koneko

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Location: Kuoh's park

Time: evening

3rd pov:

Levi instantly took out his assault rifle and started shooting at koneko, who now had no choice but to take cover.

Koneko quickly went to the side and took a cover behind a big illustrated stone. Levi simply stopped and threw one frag grenade.


Koneko wasn't hurt but slightly and some strips of her clothes burned. Due to the effects of frag grenade, koneko flew out of her place as well as the stone broke.

Koneko fell down on the ground with a huge thud. She then grunts in pain then stood up quickly. She knew this enemy would not be too easy. The display of how he respond was only a message to her.

Levi suddenly came and started to jab from the side. Koneko blocked and sat down as Levi kicked around her. Koneko then tried Russian leg sweep at Levi but he's already at 2 steps ahead. While jumping up, Levi kicked koneko's head as she was still in the ground.

The force of that kick was inhuman. Koneko fell back and made a little distance between her and Levi. Koneko then stood up but she could not see Levi. Being alarmed, she started to shred her arm cloth (arm wear) and took a stance.

But feeling a disturbance from up, she suddenly trusted her 6th sense and went back, with Levi dropping above on where she was before. Koneko took this chance and punched at the ground, causing some particles of sand to flew around the viewpoint of Levi. However, he didn't expect a punch to the stomach as she went through the sand particles. Levi then flew way far back as he grunts loudly in pain.


Back to Kiba, Iseei and Asia :

"Come on issei! Don't give up on me now. We'll get you to a safe place." Kiba says.

Issei simply grunts in pain as he held his hand on his chest while Kiba is carrying him from sideways.

"Kiba-San, let me heal him here. Please?!" Asia cried.

"We can't, Asia. This man we're facing now is very danger. It's best to keep him safe than at being the same place as him. You understand Asia?" Kiba says.

Asia could do nothing but nodded in sad expression.

"Look Asia. I'm really sorry, even I want you to heal him now. But right now, it's probably not the best time." Kiba says.

Asia simply forces her smile at him, assuring that it was OK. But how can a person keep his head clean?

Just as the atmosphere eased, explosion occurred around them.

Kiba was worried. He dont know that whether should he leave issei to Asia and go after koenko or he should carry out his friend request and take issei to the safe place.

"Damn it!!" Kiba spat.

Asia was very worried about koneko. But then again she could do nothing but see. She would always feel guilty for not being strong enough or to help friends in need. But Issei always help her overcoming the problem. This is why she love him very much.

"Kiba-San...... you don't think that guy defeat koneko?" Asia asks.

"No way. Koenko won't go down easily. She will win against him, don't worry Asia." Kiba smiles.

But even he couldn't wonder if actually that's the case.


Back to Levi and Koneko:

As Levi was flying back, koneko ran and grab onto him (by his collar) and started to give the taste of her fist to Levi. As she ran faster, she immediately threw Levi through tree after tree. The wound was too severe as blood started trickling from Levi's head.

"Who are you?" Koneko mutters.

Levi simply grunts and stood up.

"I said, who are you?!" Koneko says while punching Levi to the face. Due to the enormous force behind that punch, Levi jumped back, creating a small distance between them.

"I am what they called......... A boogeyman." Levi stood up and says while holding his head.

Koneko gasped.

Levi then took a stances and gave her a look that says 'I'm ready'. Taking this a sign, koneko runs at Levi and attempted to kick him at guts. But Levi dodged and kick koneko's leg upwards, causing koneko to fall down. As she fell down, she moved sideway to avoid getting stomped by Levi. While moving sideway, she sweep Levi's leg causing him to fall down as well. While both were down, they kicked at each other boots causing them to go backward which they suddenly stood up.

"You're not bad." Levi grunts.

"Same." Koneko replies.

Levi then lunged at her, started to unleash his punches after punches, leaving no option but to block for koneko. But he made a mistake. He didn't see that koneko put him right in her trap. As he punch right to koneko, she dodges and uppercut Levi's stomach.

Levi spat out blood as koneko started punching to Levi face, giving him no chance to dodge or block. Left, right, left, right as she continues to punch. At the final moment, she jabbed at Levi, causing him to jump back. Blood started to flow outward from nose as he could feel it's being broken.

Koneko sighs and hold stomach. So far, this was her strongest opponent. But she could not help wondering that what could possibly this human want with Gremory. Is it grudge? Revenge? Greed?

Suddenly she could hear the police siren, a little farther from where she and Levi was. But as koneko looked toward where Levi was,


Smoke started to come out of Levi's gun which was lighting nighthawk as koneko held her shoulder. The pain was too strong, causing her to fall down. She then screamed loud while pressuring on the wound. As Levi stood up, he went to her to finish the job. But as he went, he could hear someone near him.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SERVANT." Unknown voice came at right side of Levi point of view.

As he looked right, he saw the Gremory princess herself, with her both of hand aligned together creating a destructive power. As she created a ball of destructive power, she used it on Levi who was in front of her (very close to her, since Rias teleported in front of him).

The force was too much, it's so powerful that Levi began flying back, making a great distance (or you could say, out of park). Most of the gear was shredded into bits as Levi screamed terribly.

Akeno simply took up koneko in bridal style and asked Rias to go back.

"Hold my shoulder, President (Maou)" Akeno says.

Rias as instructed held akeno by her shoulder and teleported back to her place. She couldn't wonder but fear of how powerful this monster be.


(A/N) : Once again I apologize for long wait for this chapter to published. I had wrote it earlier but I somehow lost the data. Anyway, here it is. I'm really really thankful of what you guys deliver to this story. It could not be possible without you. Stay safe.

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