Chapter 19:- Shocking Outcome

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Mr. Smith jogged over to the main office as he was called hurriedly from out of nowhere. When he reached to the destination, he saw 3 main peoples sitting with round table surrounded by multiple guards. When they saw him, they greeted him.

"Hello Smith, I hope you don't mind our unexpected calls." One of them named as Fughiru said.

"I don't." Mr. Smith said.

"Very well, please take a seat. We need to have a deep discussion with you." One of the middle named Tenji said.

"It involved Levi." The last of the third person named as Daoji said.

Mr. Smith's eyes widened at the mention of Levi. He then looked at them before taking a seat.

"You know, Levi is one of our most promising young hitman when it comes to ranking." Fughiru said.

"He was actually the best of the bests produced from our operation, even defeating the records of The Silver Circle Founder. Do you know how it feel to have the most potential threats in your hand?" Daoji said.

"No one could actually avoid him. When he focus on one thing, he doesn't have a tendency to leave that target. He will finish it by any mean, even if it cost other lives. What can I say, he's a brilliant kid." Daoji said.

Mr. Smith gulped as he felt there's something more to it.

"But we are not here to discuss about it. As a directors of operation, Mr. Smith, we need you to do our favors." Tenji said.

"What kind of favors are we talking about?" Mr. Smith sweat drops in pressure.

"We know how close you are to Levi. Maybe even more as it seem that you are a father figure to him." Daoji said.

"We want you to send every hitmans present right now after him. We want you to include him in Hitlist." Fughiru said.

"But why? Sorry, pardon my unprofessionalism. But he's one of our owns! We can't just disband him." Mr. Smith protects.

"However it is true that he's one of our owns. But there's end of chapters for every other stories. Due to Silver Circle connection with Devils, we have to finish off Levi in respect to our sponsor." Tenji said.

"Recently, we have heard that Levi regained his memories back and attacked our sponsors right behind our back. Mr. Smith, Levi has been making news all over the underworld and we learnt that he has assassinated The Supreme Court leader." Daoji said.

"This is highly offendable to our connections with devils. Please understand, Mr. Smith. We have no other choice but to end him here." Fughiru said.

"The High Table has given you a great responsibilities, Mr. Smith and I hope you do respect that. We want you to kill Levi by any means, do I make myself clear?" Daoji said.

"Yes sir." Mr. Smith said.

"Thank you, now it's the best time to plan for it. We, The Silver Circle, are counting on you Mr. Smith." Tenji said.

Mr. Smith nodded in response. Just as he was about to leave, Fughiru spoke to him.

"We are watching you, Mr. Smith. Any wrong move, we will also take you out along with your family."

Mr. Smith gritted his teeth as he cares so much about his family. He then left the room and thought,

"How low would you be if you side with devils against your own foes? What did Silver Circle has become?"

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