Chapter 15:- Preparation For The Next Battle

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3rd pov:-

Rias and her servants decided to head over to their home. Rias felt hurt and insulted at the same time when Levi hurt issei again. She promised to herself that this won't happen again. But the thought of giving his brother back would only give her headache.

"No, this is right! He would used him against us if I give back to him. Better option for him is to stay here with us."

The truth is, Rias couldn't sleep after what just happened. So she went out for a walk. After taking a walk in a park, she noticed someone familiar sitting on one of the park benches.

"Mahiru Kyojin......"

Mahiru noticed her and ignored her while going back to her own world. Feeling puzzled, Rias went to sit down with her. She couldn't understand her motive and her killing intention more than anyone. The great determination she has set her different from other.


Mahiru looked at her and coldly said,


Rias sat down with her and looked back at her.

"I know that is the worst time to ask but why do you hate Levi so much to the level of personal feeling?"

Mahiru looked at puppy who came into the scene and had a happy expression.

"When Levi met my sister during their time spent in Silver Circle, they were almost inseparable. You couldn't find Levi without her being there with him. Unknown to my sister, Levi suddenly fell in love with her. Both of them had been friend for 4 years or so and they both were deciding to confess their love. But..... "

Mahiru's eyes built up a lashes of tears, forcing herself not to let it fall. Rias couldn't control herself and kept her hand on Mahiru's back, signaling that she's here.

"But when she decided to let in Levi, that where the trouble started. Everywhere Levi goes, trouble always seem to follows him. When he went away for a visit, our house were violently barged by killers. Almost like demonic, but my sister put a well fight. I was young at that time and couldn't help her. "

Rias saw Mahiru holding her fist tightly in anger.

"She was then taken from us. She died at the end because of that man. But It was all Levi's fault. He led her to death!"

"How did Levi react?"

Rias was curious on how Levi would react in these situations. Mahiru then looked angrily at her.

"Levi? He just left our home and never came back. Words is that he killed something strong supernatural beings. But not just any beings, it was a powerful leader. He used to smile a lot when she is here. And now that I've seen him, he's changed."

Mahiru then stood up and looked at Rias one final time,

"This isn't your battle Rias, he's way too strong for you. You would need more than just an army in order to face him. But I'm the one who should finish this. He ended my family's happiness. Take my word and stay out of my way."

Mahiru left the scene as Rias was pulled into her own world.

"Way too strong? I don't agree......."




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