Chapter 9:- War Awaits

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(Changed the title name since its so cheesy and unrelated.)



Location:- Murayama household

Time:- Morning

3rd pov:

Levi joined with family (including Katase) in having a breakfast. He saw the food and was slightly mouth watering at the view.

 He saw the food and was slightly mouth watering at the view

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Levi sat down next to Mrs. Muriel, as opposite to Murayama and Katase. As Levi was about to pour honey, Mrs. Muriel suddenly took the honey jar and our over the pancakes.

"I hope you like it, uhh what's your name?" Mrs. Muriel says.

"Levi hibaru." Levi says nonchalantly.

"Right right, so where are you from?" Mrs. Muriel says as she start taking the piece of pancake.

"Europe." Levi answers.

The other girls synced together by saying "ooooooh".

"Say Levi, what do you do for living? Judging from your uniform, you must be working in some forces, right?" Mrs. Muriel says as she looked at Levi.

Levi's nervous start kicking in. He couldn't tell them as it would bring them to danger.

"Police forces." Levi sweats while chomping down on his pancakes.

"But you look so young, i mean like atleast around 18 to be in police forces this early." Mrs. Muriel says.

"Uh I'm actually 23 and about to turn 24."  Levi says while simply chomped on his pancakes.

But he coughed as 3 of them threw up water in shock.

"Wait wait, you're 23?! I thought you're atleast 17!" Katase says.

"Second that." Murayama agrees.

"Well too bad your clothes got torn. I think you have to buy a new one." Mrs. Muriel says.

Levi then look at himself.
"Wait a minute, whose clothes am I wearing?"

(A/n): "By the way, he is wearing this, just for head up. "


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