Chapter 29: Acceptance

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Saliva dropped down each time someone tortures the person in the room. That someone didn't stop and kept on going.

"What the hell did you say to Levi!?"

Suddenly the door opened and came in Sirzech, walking to the person and echoing his each and every footsteps until he stopped in front of the person, who gasped for air.

"Enough. I'll let you in later." Sirzech sternly told.

The man understood and went out of the room, along with the soldiers in the room. Sirzech sighed and removed his coat before putting it on chair. He sat down to the person's level and sighed even more deeper.

"This kind of things could go even more smoother than this, Sona." Sirzech said.

Sona spit the blood on the ground, and took a deep breath.

"You do know that Levi is using you? Using your influence to attack on devils? Using your own status to make you betray your own family?" Sirzech spoke.

"My own family was a victim of your influences and lies!" Sona said.

"What?!" Sirzech got shocked.

"Levi made me realized that he is more than what he seem to be. He was the one who gave me an opportunity to be free, to be outside the cage."

Sona then stood up weakly and said,

"Levi made me who I am right now, he gave me voice that I had lost long time ago. He made my dream of building schools for low class devils possible. Something my sister or The Great Satan couldn't do."

"You really need to be silent about this. You are digging your own grave." Sirzech tried to convince her.

"If I die with honor, then so be it." Sona say down.


Sirzech got interrupted by the voices of many people, who was protesting outside the building where the questioning is taking place. Apparently, it's a group of low class people protesting for the release of Sona Sitri. There's a lot of peoples protesting but they didn't do any violence only because of Sona, since she always want peace. Sona smiled as she felt that her contribution was worth for all the pain she was been through.

"Sir what do we do about those protestors?" One of the soldier came in and said.

"Do nothing to them. If we do something, they will outburst through us and this would cause bloodshed. Just keep resisting them." Sirzech said.

"You won't be able to extinguish the fire inside them. What they did and what they are going to do, I am sure it will be successful." Sona said.

Sirzech sighed deeply, causing the soldier to go out of the room. He then went closer to Sona and immediately uppercut her, causing her to spill saliva and making her sit down. Sirzech pulled her hair and screamed in anger,

"Why won't you say about Levi? We need to stop him before it took too late! You are the only one who's probably close to him so you must of known everything about him?!" Sirzech got angry.

"Arggh......i..I won't.......say." Sona struggled.

Eventually Sirzech realized and calmed himself down. He ease his pull on her hair and went over to his coat on the table, before putting it on and looking back at her.

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