Chapter 16:- Releiving The Past

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(A/N):- "Before we begin, I just want to tell you that this will take place after Xenovia and Irina introduction and their fights against Issei and Kiba. And also, the warning attack on school by Kokabiel. So in that much time, Levi kinda healed a little bit but not fully. Just wanted to avoid any confusion. Enjoy!"





Levi finally stood up with no struggles as he put on his casual clothes. He did his daily routine and prepared a breakfast for Mrs. Muriel and himself. The actual reason for Levi waking up this early because he want to find the person behind the following attack on him, which means allies of Freed. After finishing his breakfast, he went to Mrs. Muriel's room to wake her up. He never actually seen her room once before. He knocked on the door before opening slightly.

"Hello Miss?"

He saw her sleeping and couldn't bother a trouble to wake her up. Instead he wrote a letter and kept it on the dining table and left immediately with guns strapped on his belt. Apparently, Murayama went on a picnic with Katase and her friends.

He left the house and began on going to the address which that one fallen angel gave him before sharing the fate of other hitlisters (fallen angels). He wanted answers because he couldn't remember any devils, fallen angels or such things. He couldn't even remember his own brother but felt connection to it. Going on a way to the hideout, he bumped into 1 girl who looks to be wearing a church uniform. Levi looked at this unknown girl before slowly reaching to his gun. He knew that she aren't normal and by any circumstances, she has an uneasy aura. Suddenly, the light blue haired teenager asked Levi.

"Where is Kuoh Highschool?"

Levi felt confused as he pointed to the other direction. The girl then left without saying anything, which made Levi relieved. If anything, he's glad that he didn't make a scene in public place. After the incident, Levi went to the place which looks to be an abandoned church looking building. He entered it and found no one but chilly environment. It was quiet, too quiet like it almost seem forced. Levi went to the middle of the room as he stared at the broken cross statue.

"You're here, I was getting tired of waiting you know? Thought you wouldn't turn up."

He instantly looked to the other side and saw a man who looks to be 30s with fedora (cowboy) hat on. He also has a dark trenchcoat. Levi jumped back as this man just pounced on him.

"What's wrong?! Are you afraid?"

Levi simply kept his unamused face and looked at him closely, while not wanting to look away from him. The man who attacked Levi, is indeed Dohnaseek. He once again came at Levi, who defended himself before kicking him away. Suddenly Levi took out his gun and shot his right shoulder before being grabbed by other church members. Dohnaseek screamed as he held his shoulder. Around 3 members held Levi arm to arm and Dohnaseek immediately shouted,


Out came from the shadow, Raynare, who quickly held up her hand and performed a spell on Levi, which made him transport to someplace and that place is Kuoh Highschool. Levi and 2 other members immediately fell down before Levi rolled sideways and took out his before killing them by clean headshot. He suddenly looked around and saw many people.

"Well well well, look who's here? So nice of you to join Levi......." Kokabiel smirked.

"How do you know my name?!"

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