Chapter 22: Rescue

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The scene starts with 4 people relaxing in sauna and sharing their moments. They are: Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki and Sona. Rias invited Sona and Tsubaki as she wanted to rest for a while and have a conversation with her best friends. Having nothing to do, Sona and Tsubaki agreed. Being there, Rias couldn't help but gave a teased smile at Tsubaki.

"You know, I just recently found out that one of my peerage member took a liking to you." Rias said.

"Is that so?" Tsubaki stared at her.

"Yes, though you already know who it is." Rias giggles.

"Though it is good and all, but I already my eyes on someone." Tsubaki says with stern expression.

"Wait what?!" Rias and Akeno said while expressing their shock reaction.

"But I thought you said you don't have time for relationship?" Rias asked.

"Now now, Rias. People change and it's only right that Tsubaki does it too. Maybe she found the right one." Sona smirked.

"You better make him visit us sometime." Akeno said with a teaseful tone.

"Maybe." Tsubaki said.

"Anyway, what about you Sona?" Rias asked.

"Me?" Sona said.

"Yes. Did someone took your attention lately?" Rias said while waiting eagerly for her answer.

"Huh, let say Tsubaki and I shares same interest." Sona said while catching Tsubaki in surprise.

"But I thought.........." Tsubaki thought.

"Oh, threesome? I see your taste~" Akeno giggles, making Tsubaki looked away and Sona blushed.

"Same guy? May I know who this person could be? Maybe we could go on double date along with Issei?" Rias asked.

"Sorry, but I would like to keep him confidential. You know what they say, good things comes to those who wait." Sona smiled.

Rias simply puffed her cheek and looked away. Akeno smiled at her friend's embarrassment. After a few minutes of relaxing in sauna, Sona suddenly felt the urges to ask.

"So how's issei condition?"

Rias then looked down and couldn't bring herself to say. Akeno noticed her friend's silence and was about to say until she was interrupted.

"Not too good, if I'm being honest. Levi really had shaken him." Rias felt angry and looked back at Sona.

"Levi has gotten to his head and horrified him tremendously. He kept on saying in low tone voice and swore that he will kill Levi one day. I mean, it's not him to say these kind of things." Rias said.

"Which is why we were scared. Last night, issei came into Lady Rias's room and kneeled down. He then said that next time, he would surely finish him off for good." Akeno said.

"Do you honestly think that Issei could beat Levi?" Sona asked.

Rias looked at her for minute before looking at other side. She then said,

"I have no doubt that he will definitely beat Levi. If anything, he's a heavenly dragon. There couldn't be any possible way that a HUMAN survive agaisnt him." Rias said.

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