Chapter 8:- Recovery

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(A/n) :- Just to let you guy know, all this story will take place after Riser Phenix arcs. Sorry to make it more confusing, I'll promise I'll make it up.



Location:- The Old Building behind the Kuoh school

Time:- morning after incident

3rd pov:

Silence. Silence spread across the room that you could hear the drop of pin. But there's one thing that silence couldn't compete is, despair. After what happened with them, they had sat in silence. Though not saying any words, their faces was already full of emotion.
Koneko had gone to Student Council to recover since her injury was way too severe. Issei has been left in the room along with Asia. He is also recovering but he is still in pain. Asia acts as a support to him, providing him meal and water whenever he need them. Kiba went somewhere to discover as he kept petting his Familiar. Akeno prepares the wonder of her tea for Rias, because out of all, she was one who was so devastated.

"President, it's good to have some tea. It will help you calm down." Akeno says while keeping her tea on her table.

Rias didn't reply as she was lost in her own world. This worries Akeno.

"Rias? What's wrong, dear?" Akeno says.

Truth to say, Akeno has seen this type of encounter with Rias. Rias when find something that troubling her, she always in her own world, thinking of the outcome.
Rias eventually got out of her head and looked at akeno surprisingly.

" A-Akeno? Sorry, it just something." Rias says worriedly.

"Tell me what happened, President. Perhaps I could be a help to you." Akeno says while pushing the tea slowly to her.

"it's just that human." Rias says while taking the tea cup and sip it.

"What about that human? Didn't you use your power on him? There's absolutely no way for him to be still standing." Akeno says.

"Yes but still. I get the feeling that not only he will come after us, he will hunt my family." Rias says.

"If anything Maou, you need to relax. After all, he must be dead since you just obliterated him in front of his face. Though, it's unfortunate we couldn't see the face." Akeno giggles.

Rias simply sighs and laugh at her friend antics.

"But what does he want with us? Especially issei?" Unknown voice says.

Koneko steps into the room with bandages around her forehead, left shoulder and seem to be holding her stomach.

"President....." Koneko immediately kneel down. This surprised both Rias and Akeno. They never expected this from koneko but you know what they, expect the unexpected.

"I nearly had him, I could of detain him and bring him to you. But due to me underestimating him by fighting him alone was a huge mistake. He fights like a soldier. He would have killed me had you not arrive." Koneko hungs her head low.

She expected to get scolded for her bold action. But she was surprised when Rias pulled her to hug.

" You idiot. What you did was to protect every one from danger. It was my fault to let you all go alone." Rias says.

Akeno smiles at this scene. But it stop when Kiba enter the room.

"We found no body of his. That mean he still alive." Kiba says shamefully.

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