Chapter 11:- Painful Memory

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Location:- Levi's House

Time:- Morning

Levi's pov:-

After having a chat with Sona, I decided to get my equipment ready. So I went to my house. Just as I entered the room, I started preparing everything. Taking only valuable items with me while also readying my equipment. But after preparing for 10 minutes, I suddenly got call. Hesitant on accepting the call, I found the courage to do so. Just as I did, I could hear a feminine voice, loudly screamed at me.


After listening to her, I immediately threw telephone down as I tried to ran out of the room. But just as I turn my back, suddenly the bomb took off.


Due to bomb blast, I immediately flied through the glass that leads to my backyard. I then groaned as I felt some shards of glass pierced through both of my arms, other than that, the rest of the body are fine unless you count of head bleeding.

"Damn it......."

As I struggled to get up, I saw many people approximately 5 people. One of them took out his phone and said,

"Found him ma'am, we weaken him by bomb. Somehow he survived. What do you want me to do? Wait, are you coming? OK ma'am."

He then walked toward me and bent down.

"You're lucky that I'm not here to finish you. Going against Boss, no Silver Circle was the great mistake you had made. Perhaps it's the first one in the book."

Everyone started to laughed with him as that man stood up and kicked md in the gut. I groaned as I held my stomach.

"Hold him up. Lady Boss said to make sure he's here only. I don't know why but she said that he shouldny get up."

Then the 2 men from the group held me up and kicked me on my knee, causing me to sit down. The man who earlier kicked my stomach came face to face with me. He smiled cockily.

"Boogeyman they say. We should be afraid and stay away they say. But look how the table has unfortunately turn over." He laughed.

I also started laughing with him as he and others stopped and looked at me strangely. One of them got mad and said,

"What are you laughing at, bitch?"

"If you do know that I'm a boogeyman, what other reason she told you not to held me up?" i smirked.

The man who kicked me on the stomach realized the mistake and his eye widen. He quickly in reaction said,

"Kill hi-"

He suddenly got interrupted by me kicking him on the face which made him fell over. I then pulled my right hand which I noticed that the man who was holding my right arm was having extremely weak grips. When I did that, he immediately fell down. After taking care of that, I suddenly punched the guy to my left (who was also holding my left arm) with my metal right hand. He immediately got knocked down temporarily. I suddenly rolled from right to left then left to right as I was dodging the bullets from the other guy who took out his pistol. After almost reaching him, I immediately Russian leg sweep him causing him to fell over and dropping the gun in process. I immediately went to the gun and fired 2 shots at the guy's head when he also tried to get it.

After doing so, I stood up and went to the rest of them and fired a shots. But when I confronted the last guy, I immediately pointed my gun at him and fired. But to my disappointment, the clip (or magazine) was finished.

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