Part 2

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The team sat upstairs in the bullpen, Kevin just got back from the bar.

"Andre needs a new line of work cause that guys always moody." Emma said as Jay and Kevin came up the stairs.

"That's what I said." Jay said sitting on her desk, she stood up and he scooted over and made room.

"So I talked to homicide about this smoky thing, turns out he's a high ranking guy in Daris Walkers organization." Emma explained, everyone turned their attention towrds her. 

"Any suspects?" Hank asked, Emma sighed and shook her head.

"Nothing yet, all we know is two male Latinos where spotted at the crime scene after it happened."

"Smoky had twenty grand on him which means he knew the sellers, otherwise he wouldn't have had that much money on him." Kevin said.

"So it's an inside job. Seller keeps the cash kicks the product, wouldn't be the first time we've seen this happen." Hank said.

"No, but it's the first time for somebody working for Darris Walker." Kim said, Emma nodded in agreement.

"The good news is it does open up an angel for us. Look if the we know the Latin players are behind this you can be damn sure Darris Walker does too. That means he's going to be looking for a new supplier."  Hank looked at Jay. "Jay, I want you to go under as that supplier." Hank said, Emma scoffed and Jay looked at her confused.

"Sorry babe it's not your skill set that's the problem, it's the fact that you couldn't be farther from Latin. You look like you're from Maine or Vermont and you yacht in upstate New York on the weekends." Emma said, Kim snickered.

"He'll be fine." Hank said.

"Sounds good." Jay said, everyone got up and went to get ready.

"Hey sarge." Jay said as Hank walked into his office, Emma stopped at the hallway door to listen but waited in the locker room instead.

"Hmm?" Hank asked turning around. 

"So all that stuff last week, we're good?" Jay asked nervously playing with his hands.

"We are where we are. Let's move on." Hank said heading into his office, Jay sighed defeated and headed into the locker room. Emma was laying out a few shirts for him on the bench, he shut the door.

"How are things between you two?" Emma asked Jay, he shrugged leaning against the side of the locker.

"I accused him of murder, so things are not amazing." Emma shook her head.

"My sarcasm is growing on you, I'm touched." She pulled out a blue polo and put it against his chest.

"Bring out your eyes, and your body." She said, Jay smiled flirtatiously at her.

"Well thank you." He took off his shirt as Emma watched him, he slipped on the blue polo and she helped him with the collar 

"How do I look?" Jay asked.

"Not Latin, that's for sure." Emma said fixing the collar. 


"Man this place is slammed, I shoulda been selling baked goods." Jay said as he and Kevin sat with Andre in the bakery. Emma and Rocky sat outside in the van. 

"And it's less risky, I don't know a brother who ever got popped for moving scones." The three men chuckled, Rocky laughed.

"Yeah, this place does 80,000 in revenue a year. The one in Ashland does 1.2." 

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