Season 7 Episode 11 "43rd and Normal"

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Emma was sitting awake in bed with Jay looking through her phone when he started stirring, his eyes flutter open and he used his unbroken  arm to sit up and lean against the headboard.

"Good moring." Emma said smiling at him, Jay leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "How are you feeling?" Emma asked.

"I'm fine, how are you and the baby?"

"We're good." Emma told him, he nodded and got up stretching and he sighed looking at his sling.

"Why do I have to be on light duty?"

"Because you were shot three times and only have one functioning arm." Jay shrugged.


"Okay, I know you're not that idiotic." Jay sukled into the bathroom and Emma got up streching. "It'll be fine, at least you can go back to work." Emma reminded him, he nodded.

"Your right, your right."

"I know. I'm going to get ready, can you help Nick with his breakfast. I don't need another lucky charms 9-1-1." 

"On it." Jay said, he headed downstairs into the kitchen just in time. Nick was standing at the counter with a bowl out in front of him, milk, a container full of cereal, and his school bag on the chair next to him. 

"Dang it." Nick sighed as Jay used his free hand to pour the cereal as Nick held the bowl.

"I was going to be careful." He told Jay, Jay smiled at him and handed Nick the milk. Nick took it and poured it proudly. 

"Where's your spoon?" Jay asked, Nick shrugged. 

"I've got it covered." Nick cleared his throat, intertwined his hands behind his back, took a deep breath, and went face first into the bowel of cereal.

"Hey!"  Jay exclaimed, Nick picked up his head crunching, his face was covered in milk and a few spare marshmallows. "Your savvy kid I'll give you that." Jay said handing him a spoon, Nick nodded and started eating as Jay wiped his face with a paper towel.

"Hey daddy J?"


"When you and mommy have the baby, what's going to happen to me?" Nick asked, Jay leaned against the counter. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my friend at school, Trevor, said when his mom got remarried and had a new baby, that he was sent to live with his dad. Am I going to live with daddy?"

"No buddy. Nothing changing with you other than the fact that your going to be a big brother." Jay told him, Nick nodded.

"I assumed so, Trevor also said that once after a party his dad had, he drank some of this fruit punch and he was seeing god for a week."

"You know what buddy, maybe branch out a little, meet some other kids."

"What about Trevor?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he has god." Emma came into the kitchen just as Nick was finishing.

"Ready?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, now come on desk duty let's get moving." Nick said hopping down.



"Did you hear it over the city wide?" Kim asked Emma as they walked into the scene of a brutal robbery and attack Kim and Adam had responded to.

"No, the superintendent. Third one like this in a week. Crawford wants a unit working on it." Emma told her. They walked onto the scene, the window was smashed, the brewery was demolished, and the owner was on his way to med. 

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