Season 7 Episode 16

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Emma was walking into Chicago Med holding Jay's hand, it was his checkup for his shoulder. A nurse showed them into the exam room.

"Does he need to put on a gown or..." Emma asked the nurse.

"No, just take off your shirt and the doctor will be right with you." The nurse said leaving the room.

"Was it just me or was that very Porno like? Also, she was totally checking you out." Jay chuckled and kissed Emma, she turned the kiss deeper as he picked her up and placed her onto the exam table. Emma lifted his shirt over his head and broke the kiss.

"I love your abs, they're like my third favorite feature of yours. Next to your face and your biceps."

"What about my personality?" Jay asked sarcastically.

"I'm more of a looks first, toxic personality check after kinda girl." Emma responded. The doctor came in and Jay crossed his arms, Emma almost melted into a puddle on the floor, who gave him the right to be this hot? The Doctor lifted up his right arm and moved it around a few times.

"Are you feeling any lingering effects from the shooting?" The doctor asked. 

"Now when I put my shirt on I put my left arm through first." Jay said. "Other than that it feels good." 

"How's the mobility, any stiffness?" The doctor asked.

"Nothing that would prevent me from doing my job or holding my daughter." Emma rolled her eyes, he should be focusing on himself not on them.

"Are you feeling any lingering psychological effects?" 


"No." Emma and Jay looked at each other and the doctor looked at Emma.


"Yes, the other morning when you were driving Nick to school you thought you were being followed."

"And I was, the black car was going to the school." Emma put her hands up. 

"Anxiety, mood swings, irritability-"

"How about increased sex drive, not that I'm complaining but... we had sex like every night last week, again I'm really  not complaining." The doctor laughed but Jay blushed.

"That too, so Jay?"

"No, I'm good. Just in awe at her sexyness." Emma smiled coyly and looked at the ground. "But honestly doc this visit is starting to make me feel a little iritabule." Jay's expresion changed and Emma handed him his shirt, he snatched it back a little roughly.

"It's just protocol detective. But you should know that by now, I've read your Injured on Duty record. You've had a hell of a run, six broken fingers, one broken wrist, five broken ribs, lacerated skull, over a hundred stitches, and this is not the first time you've been shot. Chicago med should give you frequent flier miles." Emma looked at Jay with fear in her face as he looked at the doctor half sad, and half angry. 

"Look doc I feel fine, strong, clear, just sign whatever it is you sign so I can go back to work." Jay said, the doctor nodded and Emma left the room.


"So, he said to avoid bullets, leds bad for your health." Jay said coming out, Emma chuckled. 

"I just talked to Voight, he wants us partnered up again." Emma said.

"So you can keep an eye on me?"

"Because we're good together, and because I asked him. You alright with that?" Emma asked as Jay pressed the elevator button, he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

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