False Positive Season 7 episode 6

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"Hey Sarge, is here good for this stuff?" Jay asked Platt as she and Emma planted some plants. They were at the community garden Platt volunteered at, Emma wanted Jay to be around young kids so he could get used to them.

"Yeah, there's good." Jay threw down the bags of soil then came over to the two of them.

"How long you been volunteering here?" Jay asked Platt.

"Since it started, about six months or so. They used to build farm equipment here, they used to make things in Chicago." Platt said. "But all the plants closed and all those jobs-"

"And here we are." Jay said, he looked around at all the kids. "It's great for them though, right?"

"Yeah, man you wouldn't believe what we found when we were clearing this out. Needles, all that. No wonder the city gave it to us for free. But you know safe space, place for kids to learn to grow things from the ground. It's a big deal." Jay went to reach for a tomato growing on a plant. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. That's ready when I say it's ready."

"Copy that." Jay said, he looked at Emma who was now helping some little boy a few feet away plant a flower. He was giggling as she tickled him, Jay smiled at her.

"She's amazing isn't she." Jay said out loud.

"She is." Platt said turing from Emma to Jay, she pointed a finger at Jay. "You break her heart I'll kill you." Jay put his hands up.

"She's growing a human inside her, our human." Jay gushed, Platt smiled at Jay who was just staring at Emma.

"I know how babies are made Jay. Now come on I need your helping spreading this menuor."

"Aw Crap."

"Turkey crap to be exact." Jay's radio went off.

"Units city wide, we've got multiple reports of shots fired city wide 400 huntington ave."

"That's four blocks away." Platt told Jay.

"Thanks." He looked at Emma then back at Platt but she waved her hand.

"Go, I'll cover." Platt told Jay, he thanked her and ran off. Emma came running over and Platt grabbed her hand.


"Shots fired, he wants you to stay here. Keep yourselves safe." Platt said looking at Emma's belly, Emma put a protective hand over her belly.

"Okay, thanks sarge."

"No problem."


The unit stood outside of the crime scene where Jay had found two young boys along with a guy murdered in a house, the mother screaming about her child.

"It looks like a dope hit gone wrong." Jay sighed sticking his hands in his pockets. "Kids weren't supposed to be inside. The offender kicked in the door and kids where there by mistake." Jay said.

"Covered his tracks."

"Yeah, in the living room I found two local kids. David Tatem and Aaron Powell. Both shot in the head. All shot at close range, third kid made it, he's uninjured."

"There taking him to med." Rojas said, Emma discretely slipped her hand into Jay's and gave it a tight squeeze, he just looked over at her then back at the group.

"Did he see anything?" Voight asked.

"He was going to the bathroom, he was in there the whole time. That's what saved him, that's where I found him. Talked to patrol he said he didn't see anything only heard shots fiering. Guy guarding the door was ID as Rayford Godfrey, he's a hustler footsoldier, I think he died immediately. Guys on the corner said Ray was soft for the kids, he probably let them in to play video games."

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