Season 7 Episode 7 "Informant"

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Emma and Rojas pulled up to a crime scene, Emma parked the car and Rojas quickly put all her things in the glovebox before they started heading towards the crime scene.

"Why do you do that?" Emma asked her as they walked.

"Do what?" Rojas asked.

"Never leaving things out, we've been partners for a month and everytime I'm around you, whenever we go to leave, you just won't leave things out." 

"Are you kidding me! Don't act like you don't see us." Some guys where yelling at them from the street corner.

"Is it an undercover thing?" Emma asked.

"Nah, I learned it before that." Rojas said. "32 foster homes thing. You wanna survive you gotta keep it tight, pack up your shit so none of it gets stolen." Rojas said.

"Nina! What up rat!" The guy yelled again.

"What up Bryce!" Nina yelled back, Emma laughed. "How many times do you think we'll have to explain undercover officer and snitch." Jay appeared beside them and handed Emma a cup of apple juice, Rojas rolled her eyes.

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Sorry, habit." Jay apologised drinking his coffee.

"That's one name for her."

"Hey, she's my pregnant girlfriend." Jay said as they arrived at the crime scene tape.

"Relax babe, she's just giving you a hard time." Emma said to him drinking the juice. They went under the crime scene tape and saw Kim squatting over a body. "What have we got?" Emma asked.

"Turf dispute. Corner boy was dealing south end of the courts, it sounds like he ran into another corner boy, this one dealing unsanctioned. Witnesses say they heard yelling then gunshots." Jay said, Rojas squatted down over the body. 

"He's young." Rojas pointed out.

"Seventeen, a few months older than my daughter." Kim said. "Multiple GSW's, torso, shin, back. The shots are wild and sporadic so he was running. ID puts him out in Maywood, he was dealing a long way from home." 

"Anything on the shooter?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, he's over here." Kim said, she lead the three of them over and back into an ally. "Kids shot each other. Guns were still warm when paramedics and patrol rolled up."  Kim said, Kevin and Adam were standing over another boy who was shot, Emma sighed and shook her head.

"These boys were fighting to survive for the same territory." Kevin said. "Both pull out their guns and both are dead at 17." 

"No doubt homicides going to rule this mutual combatants." Emma said. "Why'd they call us?" She asked.

"No idea, but I'm guessing it has to do with whatever is going on over there." Adam said, they all followed his gaze over to where the new Commander and Voight where talking, Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I don't hate him as much as Kelton, but he'll never be the first three. Crawly, Fisher, and that scrawny guy with the grey hair who took over like a year in between." Emma said, Voight and the Commander headed towards his car and out of their view.

"Alright, let's all head back and start a bored, getting files, all that jazz." Emma said.

"What about Voight?" Rojas asked.

"He's probably going to go and do something or meet someone and not tell us about it until this get's crucial or to a breaking point and then be pissed at all of us for making this harder on him." Emma said, the whole unit looked at her and she rolled her eyes. "Or he's going to go play with puppies, come on you guys." She said as they headed back towards their cars, Emma, Jay and Rojas walked back the way they came.

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