Stay the Night

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One year.

That's how long it'd been since I'd last seen Jason.

Since he had walked away.

Since I had given back my ring.

A whole year.

And now, here he was. As handsome as ever, standing in front of me with a blank stare that matched my own. He had on a beautiful dark blue suit pants with a burgundy tie. The way the white button up attached itself to his biceps made me envy it a bit. I looked up at his tousled dark brown hair, but found myself being drawn back to his piercing emerald eyes.

I had forgotten that Dr Hammond had been standing in between the both of us, waiting for Jason or I to continue into a conversation. Once he had apparently came to the conclusion that there was no way either of us was going to do that, he cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to himself.

"Well I see that you two know each other. I had forgotten you lived in Colorado, Elizabeth. Small world it seems."

"The smallest." I found myself absentmindedly saying. It wasn't louder than a whisper, but it was loud enough to make Jason come back to his senses.

It was in that moment that he pushed his glass into Dr Hammond's shirt and stormed off, his fists clenched and his shoes making a loud putter on the wooden dance floor.

I looked up at Dr Hammond and apologized for Jason with my eyes. He waved me off, and as his wife made her way over, I took this as my chance to chase after Jason.

"Jason! Jason, wait!"

I didn't know where he had gone off to, as the whole event was underneath a tent and it didn't take much to spot other people. I deduced that he had gone outside the tent, and made my way towards the exit.

Suddenly feeling a hand on my arm, I whipped my head towards the source and sighed at his face.

"Baby, where are you going?"

"Uh-I uh. I-I left something important in the car. I'll be right back."

Jeremy turned me around and folded his arms. "Well, just tell me what it is and I'll go get it for you. You shouldn't be going anywhere by yourself in the dark."

"I'm not! Uh-one of my classmates are coming with me, it's for her and she's waiting outside so I should just..."

Eagerly reaching for the exit now, I struggled to push past him. To my aggravation, however, he held me back again.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What? Oh," I went onto my tiptoes and kissed him on the check. Jeremy smiled, subtly laughing as well. "What?"

"That's nice, but I meant, don't you need the keys?"

I wanted to slap myself. I nodded and huffed, taking the dangling, silver keys from his warm hands. Thanking him before running off outside the tent.

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