F**k, I'm Lonely

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-There are few times I can admit I was horny

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There are few times I can admit I was horny...or needing another body to comfort mine. To be honest, I've never been the kind of person to masturbate to anything like that because I had never had such a desire to. However, as I sat on my bed, next to Jason, watching a movie with the snacks and food he brought over to comfort me...I was very much considering altering my ways.

Okay, so I knew we weren't officially back together. That  was the only thing that kept my ass glued to the bed below me and not moved atop his lap. However, we'd been acting more like a couple as of late.

It was confusing and frustrating when Jason said he couldn't handle a relationship at this moment, but practically did everything that qualified as 'relationship tings'.

Why do guys do that?

Okay, maybe Jason had a better excuse than the regular guy who just was terrified of commitment. As he was searching for the killer of his mother, but that didn't explain away all the questions that came from each causal kiss, affectionate touch, and more.

And as I stared at him while he swiped his tongue across his lower lip, all reason kind of flew out the window, anyway.

"What are we doing?" I spoke, absentmindedly.

He did a double-take between me and the tv I'd set up in the middle of Chris and I's beds. Lifting the remote to pause the movie we were supposed to be watching, he angled his body to turn slightly towards me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't want to live in the unknown anymore, Jason. After meeting my birth father yesterday...I'm tired of accepting matters I can put a definitive answer to."

He nodded slowly, trying to catch up to the seriousness I had suddenly brought into the room.

"We kiss each other, we flirt like no one's business, we almost had sex on this very bed a little while ago. So tell me, what is it? Are you still made about the whole Jeremy thing?"

Jace's jaw ticked, but he shook his head. "No, I don't give a fuck about the Ginger. I get what happened."

"Okay...then what is it? Why aren't we together. And don't say it's cause you can't handle more, right now. Cause you can, you just don't want to." I spoke honestly. I had had enough of just accepting things as they were. I didn't want to live that way, not when I didn't have to.

"Look, Ellie—"

"Oh my gosh, you met someone else didn't you," I climbed off of the bed, moving some of the snacks into the trash. "I knew it. I was just another side piece, huh? Well, Jason, I'm not gonna accept that. No, I know my worth and I'm not going to be whatever fantasy you biker gang members have—"

Jason jumped off of the bed, standing in front of me to place a hand over my mouth. I raised a brow. "Please, stop talking."

He lowered his hand slowly. When he was satisfied I wouldn't interrupt him, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The same head of hair I was fantasizing about in my mind a couple minutes ago.

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