Begin Again

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-"So let me get this straight

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"So let me get this straight..."

I tossed down my book onto my desk for my Political Science class. Christina Lee, the only true friend I had made since coming to college, sat next to me with a confused face.

"You went to Dr Hammond's wedding with Jeremy, your boyfriend. Then your ex...fiancée of a year happened to show up because he's Hammond's Godson. So now, you're meeting up with him to talk?"

I nodded. Yes, my life was just that unpredictable and crazy. I had met Christina during my first-year English course and we had hit it off right away. She had moved around every year growing up, and sited the reason as being due her father being in the army, so she never truly got to have any friends either.

We were the same, yet different. She was far more outspoken and extroverted, where as I, compared to her, seemed like a shy, introvert.

I know, that's nothing like me.

Christina been living in Seattle for a year longer than I, as this was the final stop she made with her parents before deciding to stay and pursue her education here as they moved away again; maybe that contributed to why she was so laid-back when it came to being in college. She had experienced the ins and outs as to what was what in Seattle.

"And what does your ex look like again?" I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, showing her my home screen which had a photo of all of my family, plus Jason. It was taken on the day Eric and I celebrated choosing our colleges. Jeremy hated that I had kept it as my screensaver; but even after all this time, I couldn't bring myself to change it. So I told him I kept it because it was the only photo I had on my phone of my whole family. As a compromise, I made him and I my lock screen.

Yeah, it was that serious.

"That one? Well, he can intrude on my life any day." She pointed towards my brother and I sighed, also laughing.

"No, that's my brother Eric. Jason is the guy whose arm is around me."

"Oh," she said with her British accent in a delighted way. "Well he's not bad either. Is all of Colorado filled with beautiful men? Cause if so, I'm at the wrong university."

I laughed and locked my phone again, placing it face down in the table. I tossed my curly hair back off my shoulders and looked towards the classroom door, waiting for the professor to walk in.

"I assure you, only a select few are among the beautiful Colorado men catalog."

"Okay, okay. So all of this is happening, and to top it all off, your ex is like... to-die-for, hot. What is the bad part here?"

I opened my book and began searching for the page we had needed to study the night before. We were about to take a test on it and here I was, ranting about my love life.

"Well for one, he's in a Biker gang. Like, the worst one. He also has such a bad temper, and no plans on doing anything other than staying in Fort Collins forever!" I slammed my hands down on the desk, causing a couple of students to look towards me.

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