What the hell do you think you're doing?

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Like clockwork, her alarm went off in the morning, stirring her awake with its persistent ringing. She smacked her hand down on the snooze button.

Her whole mouth tasted revolting and her throat was bone dry. Mitsuko curled herself as small as possible underneath her covers, when the memories of last night came flooding back.

She gritted her teeth, burying her face in the pillow and didn't move for a long while, wishing the whole thing had just been a bad dream.

There were some noises, shuffling from outside which meant the rest of her family was awake and going about their daily routine.

Mitsuko peaked from underneath the covers and saw her uniform laid out, making her cringe and pull the covers back over.

I'm going to be late if I don't get up. So just get up.

Get up, Mitsuko!

She let out a groan of frustration.


A few more minutes passed until there was a knock at the door.

"...Can I come in?" Gakushuu's voice was oddly hesitant.

Mitsuko grimaced, curling her arms around herself tighter. "...Yes."

She could hear the door open and then close when he stepped into the room.

There was a short pause. "We're going to be late."

Mitsuko cringed and pulled the covers further over her head like a cocoon. "Leave me alone."

Gakushuu sighed loudly and walked over, causing the bed to dip when he sat down. "The Principal told me what happened." She stayed quiet, swallowing a lump in her throat. "...Are you...alright?"

She blinked back tears, smothering her face in her pillow. "No." She brought her knees up to her chin. "I'm not." She felt her earlier shame return, wiping her tears with her palm. "So did he tell you everything?"

"Yes." There was another sigh, quieter this time. "Now will you stop being dramatic and actually look at me – you can't hide forever."

Mitsuko didn't move for a while, closing her eyes tightly as she worked up the nerve. She sighed and pushed the covers away, looking at her brother directly. Unsurprisingly he was already showered and dressed for school.

"I didn't plan on getting drunk..." she muttered, bringing her knees to her chin protectively.

Gakushuu grimaced, letting out a deep breath. "Yes, well, since mom was crying this morning I assumed she shared some of the blame."

She winced. "She was crying?"

"Why did you even drink the vodka?" he asked impatiently, ignoring the question.

Mitsuko shifted uneasily, looking away. "I was nervous..."

"Being nervous isn't an excuse, Mitsuko," he told her firmly, narrowing his gaze. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"

She felt a spark of irritation. "I'm not an idiot, Gakushuu..."

"Then don't do stupid things like this," his voice sharpened, making her flinch. "...Look, I'm only saying this because..." He grimaced, looking uncomfortable. "I don't want you to end up like..."

Like mom?

Mitsuko sighed, watching his unease grow. "I'm sorry. You're right, it was stupid." She closed her eyes and curled her arms around herself tighter. "And now everyone in the class knows, and Rio..."

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