We are Friends

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A/N: Man, it's been a busy Christmas.

For those who might ask. School reacts is halfway finished. There were some tech issues with the transcript and things have been busy over the holidays.


Karma was the first to recover and instantly released Terasaka. "Took you long enough."

Mitsuko gaped, staring at them all in disbelief, closing the door behind her. "Are you all crazy?"

"Well we had to come see you," Kurahashi argued, frowning. "And you were never alone."

"Yeah, the minute you stepped outside there was someone with you," Kimura said.

"That's..." She faltered, feeling a swell of warmth when she realised they had wanted to talk to her."None of that matters – you can't be here."

"Mitsuko?" Mom was calling from downstairs.


"Fuck," Mitsuko swore, looking over her shoulder when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Hide."

Sugaya looked around the room. "How?"

"Just do it," she hissed desperately before quickly rushing out of the room.

She pressed her back against the door once in the hallway, just in time to see her mom come up the last of the steps.

Her mom paused, frowning faintly. "I heard noises...and yelling." She raised an eyebrow as she walked over. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I was just talking to myself," Mitsuko replied flippantly, shrugging. "And listening to music."

Mom looked suspicious, crossing her arms. "You were just talking to yourself...while listening to music?"

"Yeah." Mitsuko shrugged again.

Mom narrowed her eyes at the bedroom door. "Did you invite someone over?" She marched over to the door.

"What? No." Mitsuko rushed in front of the door, trying to block it. "Mom, I've been with you the entire time. Like, what, do you expect me to just have, like, snuck a whole group of weirdos in my room or something?!"

Her mom grimaced, grabbing the door handle. "If there's a boy in here, I swear—"

"Mom!" Mitsuko broke out in a cold sweat. "Wait, don't—"

The room was empty when they both burst in, and there was a faint breeze from the window, but there was none of her classmates' insight; in fact, the room looked tidier than before.

Mom frowned. "Oh..." She stepped into the room fully and looked around.

"See?" Mitsuko quickly looked accusing. "Like what did you expect, a secret drug ring or something?"

Her mom sighed, turning around to eye her warily. "I apologise." She gave her a strained smile. "I just thought that..."

"That I was a liar?" Mitsuko arched an eyebrow.

A quick grimace flashed on her mom's face for a few seconds. "Of course not," she replied unconvincingly. "But your father did mention that you're having trouble adjusting—"

"I'm adjusting fine," Mitsuko interrupted quickly, uneasily wondering where E Class was and if they could hear.

Mom levelled her with a look. "I'm sure you're trying your best." She reached out and smoothed her hair out of the way. "If you're going to play music while you study, then turn it off when your father gets home."

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