Doing whatever it takes to win

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A/N Please note that this chapter contains some upsetting scenes, so if you aren't in the right mindset, you might want to give it a pass...


Mitsuko stared up at the lights on the kitchen ceiling, lost in her thoughts as her eyes started to get dark spots from staring at the lights for too long.

She felt tired and it wasn't even evening yet...

"Wow, your theory on solving the triangle is a lot easier, Mitsuko." Kondo was happily solving the equation.

Mitsuko tapped her pencil against the table in the Mori's kitchen where a generous amount of snacks had been supplied.

She shrugged, looking back at the boys. "It's not my theory."

Juba adjusted his glasses. "Class E's teacher taught you, right?"

"Yes." Mitsuko sighed, turning the page of the textbook. "He's a good teacher..."

Tanaka scoffed, keeping his eyes glued to his work. "Well, anyone's better than Hisaya-sensei..."

Mori chuckled. "Hisaya-sensei isn't that bad—besides, we get top marks with him, so he must be doing something right."

"Doesn't make him less of a jerk," Mitsuko muttered, amusing them.

"He's only going to make your life hell, if you don't play nice, Mitsuko," Tanaka warned.

Kondo nodded. "Yeah, you might want to try sucking up to him to get back in his good books."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen," she replied dryly, glancing at the clock. "Anyway, my mom will be here soon, so is there anything else you want me to help explain?"

"No, I think I get it," Mori replied, chewing the end of his pencil.

Juba nodded. "Me too."

"Um..." Kondo looked embarrassed. "Could you just explain one more thing, please?"

Mitsuko looked amused. "Yeah, sure."

He quickly shuffled his chair closer and showed her the problem. "I don't know if I'm calculating the brackets in the right order..."

"No problem." She remembered how Koro-sensei had explained it and started to relay it.

It felt nice telling and showing the others what Koro-sensei taught, she supposed she hadn't appreciated just how good his teaching was at time...even if half those times he acted like an idiot.

Mitsuko's chest ached from missing them, sighing quietly as she drew a small octopus on the corner of Kondo's notebook like Koro-sensei normally did.

She didn't care what her dad said, even if Koro-sensei was going to end the world, he was the best teacher they'd all ever had and probably would ever have again...

"Uh, why are you drawing an octopus?" Kondo stared at her in confusion.

Mitsuko straightened up. "Oh, uh..." She gave a nervous laugh when they looked at her. "No reason!"

"You've been doing that a lot," Mori pointed out. "You keep drawing octopuses everywhere."

Tanaka raised an eyebrow. "Are you suddenly into Tentacle porn or something?"

"No!" She went bright red. "Shut up! I-I just like drawing them is all!"

"Right..." Juba frowned, not looking convinced. "If you say so."

Mitsuko scowled. "You're all just gross." She grumbled under her breath and helped Kondo finish the problem. "Okay, I need to go, so I'll catch you guys at school."

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