But I can't ignore it either

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Mitsuko handed her balloon to Sugaya. "Wish me luck."

"Don't die," he whispered as he hid with the others behind the corner in the hallway.

Mitsuko smiled in amusement and shook her head, carrying the steaming mug of tampered coffee in her hands.

She took a deep breath before she knocked on the door of her dad's home office.

"Come in," he replied from the other side.

She opened the door a fraction and poked her head in. "Hey."

He glanced up from the paperwork he was looking through, dressed in his suit like he was at work. "Is there something you needed?" Then he frowned. "Or did Akabane break something?"

"Not yet."Mitsuko snorted in amusement and left the door open a crack as she entered the office. "I made you coffee." Mitsuko shrugged and placed the coffee on the desk. "Call it a peace gesture for letting me invite them over."

Dad glanced at the coffee and then back at her. "As if I had much of a choice."

"True." Mitsuko smiled sweetly. "Mom's got you collared, and it's hilarious."

He narrowed his eyes. "I'm so glad you find it amusing." He shook his head and looked back down at the papers he'd been signing. "Regardless, please do keep an eye on your friends, I assume there is still some friction between them and your brother's co-horts."

"Well, yeah, but not that much," she replied, shrugging. "Ever since finals things have been...less tense. E Class showed the school our strength so we've earned their respect at the least."

"Yes, I'll admit they have." Her dad hummed, glancing at the coffee briefly. "Your classmates are certainly tenacious. There are some strong individuals in there."

She nearly rolled her eyes. "Is there a 'however' at the end of that sentence?" she asked dryly. "I swear you don't you like any of my friends"

He raised an eyebrow. "That's a bold assumption." He clasped his hands on the desk. "I actually think Kurahashi and Nagisa are good influences, and Sugaya has improved compared to his days of vandalising school property."

She scoffed, walking over. "Wow, bet they'll be happy to hear that."

"And Isogai and Kataoka are wonderful diligent students," he continued. "I had an amusing conversation with that young lady Fuwa where she tried to compare me to a villain in the latest Manga she was reading." He smiled faintly. "And that Sugino boy has quite the talented throw."

She sighed. "And here comes the 'but'..."

He frowned. "But as for the others..." His eyes narrowed. "Takebayashi broke my award, Akabane is a delinquent, and Nakamura is notoriously deviant and far too inappropriate in her flirting towards you."

"Um, she's my girlfriend, flirting kind of comes with the package." Mitsuko sighed. "You've never even tried to get to know her."

Dad huffed, picking up the mug. "A father is perfectly within his right to dislike his daughter's choice in partner," he told her, earning a frown in response. "You've grown into an intelligent, beautiful, and strong young woman." His smile was fond, causing her chest to fill with warmth. "It's not unreasonable for me to suggest you set the bar higher."

He really thought that highly of her now?

A small smile crept onto her face. "You...you really think that?" Then she tensed and grew on guard. "You better not be lying!"

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