Everything's fine

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When Kayano had left—or better put leapt away—with her tentacles. It was an understatement to say they had more than a few questions.

And to top it all off she was an actress and Ms Yukimura's little sister!

You couldn't make this shit up!

"Is this all really happening or are we just in a nightmare?!" Mitsuko exclaimed.

"...I'm leaning towards nightmare here," Sugaya said, grimacing.

Koro-sensei looked subdued still after refusing to answer their questions still until Kayano was found.

"This is fucked up!" Mitsuko said, scowling, and then turned to Koro-sensei. "And you're seriously going to go meet her on a field—she seems crazier than Shiro!"

Koro-sensei tensed. "You're wrong," his voice sharpened, making her frown. "Kayano is...confused and letting grief guide her actions." His voice was grim. "And your teacher I need to help her before she causes permanent damage to herself."

Itona nodded. "Even when following a strict regimen there were plenty of times the tentacles nearly killed me," he said lowly, earning some concerned looks from his classmates. "if she's acting out of anger and grief like Koro-sensei said, then they'll drive her insane before they kill her."

Mitsuko stiffened, growing worried. "How much time do we have before that happens?"

"I don't imagine we have that long," Koro-sensei replied, looking out of the window.

"Then we have to save her!" Okuda yelled, looking distressed.

Nagisa nodded, paler than before. "We have to be able to talk her down."

Mitsuko grimaced and then sighed. "Looks like it's class intervention time..."


They'd all agreed they needed to be there for Kayano, even if it meant going to a weird deserted grass at the back hills for 7pm.

Mom was busy catching up on some work in the dining room, and Gakushuu was apparently attending a sleepover with Ren and the other Big Five.

Which was weird, but whatever. Let the nerds be nerds and watch their stupid Transformers movies.

It meant that at least everyone would be too busy to notice her absence for a few hours.

Mitsuko adjusted her bag, still dressed in her school uniform as she walked to the front door. She over her shoulder before she pressed her key into the front door.

"Going out?"

Oh, come on!

Mitsuko gritted her teeth. "Seriously...."

Dad slowly walked down the stairs to her. "Your curfew still stands at 8pm," he reminded her, standing by her side with a raised eyebrow. "And disappearing without a word to your mother will make her worry."

"I just..." She rattled for an excuse, crossing her arms. "My friend's in trouble and I need to see her—I'll be back before eight!"

"I doubt that," dad replied dryly, shaking his head as he turned to the bowl of keys and removed his own. "Mayumi!"

"HEY!" Mitsuko snapped. "Don't be a snitch!"

Dad smiled at her pleasantly. "We can't worry your mother, Mitsuko."

"What?!" Mom sounded annoyed.

"We've run out of eggs," he replied brightly, surprising his daughter. "Mitsuko and I are running to the store—would you like something?"

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