An Uncomfortable Subject

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"So..." Dr Yokoyama looked at them all when they sat down for their family session on Sunday morning. "How has everyone's week been?"

Mitsuko gritted her teeth and stayed stubbornly silent, sitting next to her brother on the sofa in the middle while their parents were at opposite ends in separate armchairs.

Mom sighed, fidgeting slightly. "...Well, Mitsuko and her father had an argument yesterday—"

"Mom!" Mitsuko looked annoyed.

Her mom frowned. "This is what we're paying him for, sweetie." Gesturing at the therapist. "We have to get our money's worth!"

The therapist raised an eyebrow. "You are paying me quite a lot."

Mitsuko scowled, crossing her arms as she slouched. "What's the point of talking about it when dad won't listen."

"Just because you dislike my response doesn't mean I'm not listening," dad replied impatiently. "And stop slouching, you're behaving like a child."

"I am a child!" she snapped back.

"You are being a spoilt brat just because you can't get your way," dad said sternly.

Mom sighed loudly while Gakushuu rolled his eyes.

Dr Yokoyama hummed, staring at them curiously as he wrote something down. "And what exactly is the main argument about?"

"Dad's stalking me on a parenting app and it's causing problems for me and my girlfriend," Mitsuko said, scowling. "And every time I try to talk to him about it he won't listen."

"I am listening," her dad insisted, clapping his hands on his lap. "That doesn't mean I have to agree with it."

"I see..." Dr Yokoyama raised an eyebrow. "So you both feel neither party is listening and understanding each other?" He wrote something down. "Mitsuko, why don't you start by explaining why you feel your father is in the wrong?"

She sat up straighter and scowled when her dad glared at her. "Dad and mom don't like Rio—"

"That's not true," Mom interjected quickly.

"You threatened to send her to a conversion therapist," Gakushuu reminded his mother dryly.

"I-I was worried!"

"—Mom's still homophobic and dad thinks Rio isn't good enough for me," Mitsuko told them bluntly.

"I'm not homophobic!" Mom sounded upset, wringing her hands. "There are just some things I feel should be handled a certain way! They're still children!"

"Let's tackle one thing at a time." Their therapist sighed and rubbing his eyes, looking tired. "Mitsuko, you were saying."

Mitsuko grimaced. "Dad doesn't like Rio, and he never has; he keeps putting pressure on her and it's making her upset and one edge."

"I am merely setting certain standards," dad interrupted, irritated. "If Nakamura feels pressure then perhaps we should questioning just how devoted she really is."

Mitsuko winced. "You haven't even tried to get to know her and you've known her for years," she argued. "Just because you tolerate her and do the bare minimum isn't the same as treating her with respect or trying to get to know her—and you're always so passive-aggressive about it."

"Interesting." Dr Yokoyama spoke before dad could open his mouth. "And how does that make you feel?"

Mitsuko tensed, avoiding her dad's look. "...Uncomfortable." She curled her hands into fists. "It's always stressful when they're around each other."  She cringed. "And it feels bad because it's like I have to choose a side and then I feel guilty afterwards no matter what side I choose."

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