You keep making the same mistakes

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It was when they were all gathered in the woods when Nagisa told them what had been on his mind.

He wanted them to stop trying to kill Koro-sensei so they could save him instead.

Mitsuko was still feeling a mix of emotions swirl through her with two questions conflicting with one another.

How would they save him?

What if they couldn't save him in time?

Her stomach gave a twist, staring down at the floor while everyone else was talking.

There were only three months left until the clock ran out, and it had taken the better half of a year for them to even learn as much as they did about Koro-sensei in the first place.

Also even if they stopped him from exploding the government would still do everything in their power to hunt him down, he'd never be safe and how long was his lifespan anyway?

His DNA had been altered and mutated, so how much of a lifespan did he realistically have passed a year, what if he died anyway?

But he'd saved her dad, he'd saved her...

He was a good teacher and if it wasn't for him then...

She grimaced, growing sick the more she thought about how much she owed him.

Then there was the whole criminal charges and morality of him being a killer who'd probably ruined the lives of thousands—

"I really hate to be the one to spoil the mood." Rio stepped forward, narrowing her eyes at Nagisa and the others that had gathered. "But I'm against it."

Mitsuko tensed, frowning when she looked over at her. "Rio..."

Rio glanced at her and then grimaced, stepping further forward. "We're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond," she said firmly. "Koro-sensei said it himself, and I don't know about you, but I cherish that bond. Not killing him would defeat the purpose."

Nagisa's eyes widened. "Nakamura..."

"She has a point..." Mitsuko said, sighing. "It's the bond that drew us all together." She frowned. "And more importantly, how are we going to save him anyway?"

He stiffened. "You're against it too, Mitsuko?"

Mitsuko shifted uncomfortably. "I..."

"Look, we get why you wanna save him," Terasaka said, frowning. "But Mitsuko's right, how would we even go about saving him?"

Nagisa looked unsure. "Uh...well..."

"You act like you're the only one who's thought about it," Yoshida said.

"Also, what happens if the clock runs out on us before we find a way?" Muramatsu pointed out. "Have you considered that?"

Terasaka frowned. "Seriously, you want the octopuses last thoughts to be my students are a bunch of half-asses?"

"No!" Nagisa said quickly. "But we owe it to him—"

"Always the talented one." Karma's voice was cold, causing them all to look over at where he was leaning against a tree. "Figuring whatever the odds, in the end, things will always work out." His smile was patronising. "Wow, listen to you, getting a tad full of yourself their, chief."

Mitsuko's eyes narrowed. "Karma."

"What?" Karma smiled sweetly. "I'm just saying what most of us are thinking." He moved off the tree and towards Nagisa. "Granted, you're the most gifted one in our class, Nagisa-kun, but seriously? We should just up and scrap the entire assassination plan?" His eyes narrowed as he walked over. "What about the underdogs? Those of us who work ourselves sick just to sweep by on what little talent we have, how are we supposed to feel?" His voice rose. "You're like a hot chick telling her homely friends there's no point trying to find a man. Of course, you don't have a problem with changing the rules, you've already won the game!"

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