Chapter Thirty-four

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Exchanging kisses on the cheeks, I ogled unintentionally at him as he made his way into his automobile. I felt so lucky at the moment to have him partly as mine and lucky to have him treat me nicely like I deserve it when in reality I don't. I stole my way into his life which wasn't my decision of course. But I feel there will come a time that I won't care anymore. What I could want would depend on the unseen and unpredictable journey ahead.

As soon as his vehicle was out of sight I shook out of my reverie when my phone fell into vibration. Going back into the house with my phone to my ear I greeted first, Jacklyn. She reminded me about the meeting with her crush or let me say love because seriously that can no more be referred to as a crush.

"I'll send you the address, it's not hard getting there in a jiffy. I'm sorry about putting you through this stress but I really don't wanna lose him you get me right?"

"Jacklyn I was keeping shut to listen to your jabber. Didn't I tell you I understand? I promise I'll try my best but if after all my trails and he's adamant then I'll give up. I can't come and kill myself on top of everything. I mean I can't seriously blame you for being so foolish." I said with a simper.

"Please please please baby please. I'll do anything for you if you succeed." I giggled picking up a misplaced book and fixing it into the small side shelve.

"Funnily enough I don't need anything at the moment but fine I might need it in the future."

"You've got me boo!! Maybe I'll be babysitting little Eddy by then." Slowly a smile formed on my lips.

"Just maybe." We talked for about a few more minutes before I cut the call to focus on today. Luckily for me I'm on off so I've got a whole day to my disposal.

While in the bathroom taking my bath my heart fluttered when I remembered the outing tonight with my mates. My bathing rate slowed down and finally I found myself placing my palms on the sides of my neck just staring into space. I haven't even told a single soul and that's really bad because the least thing I would do is for me to trust Elsie. She's capable of dumping me in a deserted island without a phone.

Inside me I know I was scared but still at the same time excited to show them I'm better than what they designed me to be.

I leaned against the wall feeling frustrated and flustered. What am I going to wear? Who's going to help me with my makeup? Am I even going to wear that? To what degree should it be? Oh God help me right now.

Maybe I really needed Jacklyn now. I can't believe I need her this quick but what can I do? Though Jacklyn can be really childish, she's not what she actually looks physically. I've been to her home not once and have seen how full her wardrobe is and how calm she can be. Before I got married, Jacklyn was the money bag among us. She's dexterous with anything cosmetic. After all her mom is a cosmetologist and also sells them too.

She's the last born with two older siblings. Her first sister is married already into a huge family. The other sister is yet to and she's my favorite because she's a power lady. Their dad had passed away from a plane crash when arriving back from Japan for a business trip. His death isn't old. But their family is the strongest I've ever seen not to cry on his funeral uncontrollably.

I smiled at their courage without knowing before snapping out of my thoughts. I gave myself courage and prepared to call Jacklyn for help no matter what. She's harmless and innocent I believed.


Resting my head on the glass with hooded eyes, I watched steadily as droplets of water splashed on the windshield rolling down slowly but diverting to different directions due to the force of the wind. I felt like a kid watching the water get wiped out before it even landed by the windshield wipers.

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