Pushing Too Hard

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  "Ok, seriously Aizawa, this needs to stop."
  It was around 12:30, some time after lunch, and 1-A was in the midst of completing a hardcore training session, in which they were put against each other yet again. The supervisors of the activity, pro heroes Eraserhead, also known as Aizawa,  and Present Mic, also known as Hizashi. The fights had been going on for a while, five groups of students fighting two-on-two. The fights had been going well, aside from two students having to tap out due to intense nausea, and one more hitting his limit. (Dxxn it, Denki.)
  With three missing, (and certainly more to come), Hizashi' s mood only seemed to decline, and after fifteen minutes, was finally taking it up with Aizawa.
  "You really aren't concerned at all? You just lost another student to health reasons."
  "A wattage limit is not a health reason. That would be a quirk-induced disorder."
  "Whatever! Really Aizawa, you don't think you're... Pushing? Just a little?"
  Aizawa shot a look at his energetic fellow supervisor.
  "Do you not think being a pro hero is pushing, just a little?"
  Hizashi pouted, apparently defeated by the thought.
  "I-I know, but still... we know they have the discipline and skill!! This is 1-A after all, they've seen and defeated real villains before!"
  "Technically, only four defeated a REAL villain. Everyone in the biomes was a low-level crook."
  "A low-level crook, with the League of Villains. C'mon Aizawa, we know they can do it, they've been through the exams, and they've already been through so much..."
   Aizawa was silent for a moment, turning to face his colleague and consider things properly.
  "Tell me again how your sympathy hasn't gotten you hurt yet?"
  Hizashi frowned, crossing his arms and looking at Aizawa with an obviously irritated look.
  "I'm not sure, but yours certainly has."
  Aizawa was just about to go off on him, when yet another student fell to nausea. Upon seeing this, he sighed and muttered: "I will take this up with you later. But right now, you can either send for someone to pick her up, or go do it yourself."
  Huffily, Hizashi turned and left the room. In the silence, the black-clothed hero thought to himself. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Hizashi had been careful enough to avoid injury even with his sympathetic heart. He, unlike Aizawa, had no scars to show for reckless acts of protection. And along with having sympathy, he also could put an entire crowd at ease with his never-ending enthusiasm, even if he himself were, in fact, freaking the hell out. And he was also correct in the sense that this class had seen real hero-versus-villain combat before, and had indeed taken down criminals associated with the LOV.
  For being kids, they have been through their fair share of fear...
  The silence was broken by the sound of a door being closed a little too hard.
  "Ok, so that's four students out, and-"
  "You know what?" Aizawa began, turning to face the other teacher, "maybe you have a point."
  Hizashi perked.
  "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  "I just got onboard, I wouldn't ruin it."
  "Right. So... we're in agreement?"
  Aizawa sighed.
  "What did you have in mind?"
    Hizashi smirked.

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