Failed Attempts Are Reason For Portentous Plots

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  Midoriya awoke with a jolt, still utterly shaken. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes trained on anything, which had honestly began to annoy him. However, panic was panic, and feeling the only person he trusted slip away from him faster than he could realize what was happening had indeed induced quite the panic.
  It felt odd somehow, still being able to vaguely feel him, but the connection was far too weak to permit more than just the faint sensation.
  He was alone in the area for a while, he wasn't sure how long, before Vill was downstairs once more to deliver another meal. Another odd thing, that even though he was clearly a hostage, they were still ensuring he was fed. What's more is that his direct captor was delivering food to him, so it wasn't like it was to be kept secret.
  "Hey there... did our little session today spook you that bad?" He asked, the emotion in his voice somewhere between teasing and genuine concern.
  Midoriya kept silent, honestly attempting to regain control of his breathing.
  "Well... guess I'll never know. Anyway, guess I made too much." He said, placing a bowl in front of the boy. It was obviously more than simply "making too much", but Midoriya kept quiet, grateful for it nonetheless.
  "So... when you aren't in a pinch, you don't seem much for talking. Why so, if I may ask?"
  Still no response.
  "Hm... I think I got it. Your situation... it's not the kind that makes a boy all too friendly, huh?"
  Midoriya looked up at the man in front of him, conveying no emotion in particular. Vill smirked.
  "So I'm right." He chuckled to himself, looking at the wall across from the two of them.
  "You know... I can be like that too."
  Midoriya looked at him once more, but this time looking skeptical.
  "It's true! Well, perhaps it was worse when I was a child, but still... I was like that."
  "When were you in a situation like this?" He asked, sounding slightly more annoyed than he meant to let off.
  Vill smirks again.
  "Well, I may know your history, but you don't know mine. And with your history, I'd think you'd be the last person to doubt another's backstory."
  Midoriya put his head back down, now avoiding the man's form all together.
  The smirk grows.
  "Indeed. Anyway, suppose you can't use your arm all to well, huh?"
  He hesitates, but eventually nods.
  "As I thought. Come here." He said, picking up a spoonful of the soup he'd brought to the cell. Midoriya eyed it, hesitant at first seeing as it came from someone he wasn't all too trusting of, but he couldn't deny the fact that he was hungry. In fact, just moments before his stomach had bombarded him with ceaseless growling.
  Thus was how he ended up finishing an entire bowl of soup in five minutes. It was surprising to him that it was actually good. And on top of that, he couldn't really taste anything that would be wrong with it. It was just... a normal meal.
  Vill seemed proud of himself.
  "Well, you ate that fast. Like it, do you?" He turned to face Midoriya, but kept talking before the boy could answer; "Thanks. It's a new recipe you know. I've never done it before but based on everyone's reactions... I'll just have to make it again sometime."
  He was smiling, a confident, cocky smile like one you'd see on a five year old after you compliment his poorly-made zombie costume on Halloween.
  "Anyway, sorry to have barged in. You sure seemed to prefer me not being here. I'll be taking my leave now." He said, standing up and leaving the cell, hesitating in front of the door.
  "Oh by the way... we start tomorrow."
  Now he exits the cellar, leaving the light off with the child in the dark. He felt... something. The emotion now suppressing him was something he couldn't quite place. But in certain terms, it was an odd void between dread and a vague sadness.
  Over the next two weeks, Vill, Kurogiri, and Shigaraki would head to the outskirts of the UA campus, hiding behind Midoriya as a way of baiting the pro out. After all, they knew he was working there. And even if it had been false, even one other pro would've been enough to expose his position.
  Well, if they had any ties at least.
  But hey, that's what the kid was for.
  It was obvious that Vill was way too excited to be doing what they were.
  And far too desperate already.
  Which was why, after those two weeks, Vill was clearly pissed that they had no result. Unknown to him, there was a very deliberate reason no one had ever noticed them; or even the missing child they'd arrive with.
  But, when a villain is angry, he doesn't really think straight.
  "Damn it, why the hell aren't they seeing us?!" He said, slamming his fist on the small table they were all used to meeting at by now.
  "I mean, it isn't like we're doing anything to really attract attention..." said Shigaraki, seemingly annoyed but electing not to express it in full.
  Vill turned to him, red eyes flaring even when he held another vessel.
  "Even so, the kid's been gone for months!" He said, still obviously pissed but managing to keep a steady tone.
  The kid in question was currently being forced to stand next to his captor, now-red eyes blankly staring ahead, seemingly oblivious to the situation.
  Externally, at least.
  Inside his head was a different story.
  He silently remained suspended in his place, held once again by red shackles around his neck and limbs. He felt like he should at least act confused, knowing full well that he himself was the one who spilled the info and order not to react upon seeing him, and yet somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do so.
  Possibly because at that moment he was just purely terrified of Vill going through his head and finding that information.
  So, silent he remained.
  "Shigaraki's right y'know, what we're doing is bori-i-ing." Toga said, dragging the "i" like a whining child.
  Vill now turns to her, addressing her standpoint.
  "Well then, what do you suggest we do?"
  She hesitated for a moment, glancing around the room at everyone gathered with an obvious "are you serious" expression. Seeing no one was getting her point, she groaned and began:
  "Ugh, seriously?! Why don't we just take him inside the school??" She said, standing to emphasize her point.
  Vill looked at her dumbfounded, clearly skeptical.
  "How stupid do you think I am?"
  "Apparently a lot if you haven't thought of this yet."
  "Pardon me?"
  "Ugh, really?!? Look, we obviously can't just barge into the building. But, look what we've got here! One of their oh-so-precious students! Hmm, I wonder what we could so with that..." she said, clearly sarcastic as her thought trailed off, hanging above the group like a heavily condensed fog long overdue evaporation.
  It took a few seconds, but eventually, Vill connected the dots.
  "Are you suggesting we just... send him in alone?"
  She sighed.
  "Ugh, yes! Seriously?! Was I really the only one who thought of this?!"
  The room was quiet. She turned her attention to Shigaraki.
  "Really, I love violence as much as you do. But gosh we need to prioritize." She sat down, exasperated.
  Vill nodded to Toga as a form of gratitude.
  "Apologies. But, your idea is good, and has been taken into consideration." He said, seemingly pleased with the offer.
  So pleased in fact, that it only took a few more silent moments before he nodded firmly, smiling at the thought.
  "As a matter of fact, unless anyone objects," he said, pausing for a moment to allow interjection, but after no one complained he went on, "I do believe we will take that plan on."
  From his shackles in his head, Midoriya perked at the mention. 
  W-wait, what?!? There's no way he can be serious!
  Vill turned to him.
  Oh I'm serious, alright.
  He pulled back, the chains rattling as he moved. He had forgotten that in this mode, Vill had easy access to every fleeting thought that crossed his head; which had honestly always terrified him, but rules are rules, especially when it comes to quirks.
  Acting dismissive, he put his head back down to it's defalt position in these chains. Though he could feel his mind racing, he neglected the ideas for fear of them being overheard.
  "Great, so now we have a plan. Question is, how are we gonna find what we're looking for?" Shigaraki said, seemingly confused but holding an undertone of sinister sarcasm.
  Vill caught the hint.
  "Well, looking at our resources..." Vill began, thought trailing off as he and everyone else at the table turned their gaze to Midoriya.  
  The last thing Midoriya remembered was Vill's cynical voice innocently claiming he was sorry, then everything faded to black.

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