An Unexplained Urge

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  The LOV had disbanded their meeting for the day, ending just around 10:30am; leaving Midoriya alone shackled within his cell, solitary and chilled.
  Though he tried to control his urge, he shivered nonetheless. It wasn't his fault; the basement wasn't heated and there was little insulation aside from the soundproof panels on the walls.
  He wasn't all too fond of the ceaseless shaking, seeing as his limbs were hopelessly broken and it was utterly painful to move, especially when he couldn't control it.
  Of course, it didn't help that he wasn't only just cold, he was frightened by his lack of knowledge on what they spoke of that morning. He shouldn't be, seeing as it was in no way unusual for him not to remember, but still, with the way his mind worked, he needed something to dwell on to keep himself in check in situations where he found himself distracted or afraid.
  He needed input to analyze, and he couldn't do anything if he didn't have any information.
  Vill was to begin cooking soon, but since Friday night, it had only been delivered with a side of degrading speech and tears.
  I guess it's my own fault; I shouldn't have shown him my fear. He would've known anyway, but even so, I let him see my vulnerability.
  He thought to himself, trying to figure out why the sudden shift in attitude had occurred.
  Of course I shouldn't be too surprised; he is a villain after all.
  He continued to busy himself with fleeting thoughts about everything and nothing.
  For a long while, he kept himself mentally adrift by keeping a current of queries and speculations churning within his mind.
  He had barely even noticed the door opening above for food delivery; he wouldn't have if the one bringing it hadn't made herself known.
  Wait, her?
  Midoriya looked up to find himself almost face to face with the only female he had seen in the league since his arrival; a young woman who had introduced herself as Toga.
  "Heya~." she said almost flirtatiously, seeming keen on gaining his attention.
  He was silent only for a moment, looking her up and down as if attempting to determine if he was in for further beration.
  "Whatsa matter? Cat got your tongue? Not hungry?"
  "W-wait!" He said finally, trying to prevent her from exiting the room, which he succeeded at.
  "So you do speak up from time to time, huh?"
  He hesitated, finding himself suddenly enveloped in a nervous uncertainty.
  "Well good! That makes my job easier." she said, smiling with a shrug as she picked up the key and unlocked the cell, taking a seat before him and pulling the door closed behind her.
  "So, he made a sort of soup today... not sure what's in it but it's pretty dang tasty!" she said, sitting down and placing the bowl before him.
  For a moment, he just sat, smelling the small serving of broth before him. He couldn't deny the fact that it indeed had an appealing aroma, but something about it seemed... off to him.
  Toga noticed his apprehension quite quickly.
  "What, ya think we drugged it er something?"
  Midoriya recoiled, the thought only now crossing his mind. The young woman sighed, stirring the soup to cool it.
  "What? I'm joking. You really need to loosen up, kid." she said, trying to ignore the fact that she was talking to an actual hostage who was now narrowing his eyes at her and the small meal placed in front of him as if in consideration.
  "Look, are you gonna take it or no?" she asked, growing impatient.
  "I-I will! Thank you..." said the young hero as he tried and failed to scoot closer to the steaming bowl with a wince.
  As if it was only clicking at that moment, the young woman smiled with an audible note of recognition.
  "Is that why he's always down here for so long? You can't eat by yourself, can you?" she asked, tilting her head in a way that seemed almost mocking.
  He looked away, already hesitant to make eye contact with anyone but his apprehension somewhat furthered.
  "Yes..." he said quietly, looking to the concrete floor below him.
  Toga smiled in her condescending manner, mocking empathy.
  "Ok... I got it. So what you're saying is that I gotta feed you?" she asked, almost flirtatiously.
  Midoriya avoided her gaze, refusing to give her any satisfaction of knowing her comment unnerved him.
  "Well... yes." he said slowly, cursing himself for how low his volume sank.
  She giggled childishly, adjusting her position to better speak to him.
  "Well then," she paused, stirring the broth and lifting the spoon, filled to its limit with the warm liquid, "I guess you're just gonna have to open up."
  The young hero did not move for a moment, debating on whether or not he was to entrust her, even if it was to be reluctantly. Eventually, he settled for yes.
  Taking the spoon in his mouth, the warmth of the small noon meal overtook him immediately. It was further within the winter months now, and the cellar was only dropping in temperature. Even as she visited, he could see Toga's shoulders tremble ever so slightly, even as she'd pull her sweater tighter around her torso as discreetly as she could manage. But it wasn't just the temperature that had surprised him; the taste, as Toga had said, was quite pleasant.
  In no sense had Midoriya expected to be kept well as far as feeding went; he knew he was considered nothing more than bait and a source of info, and yet, Vill had served him small portions of every meal he'd concocted since his capture and detainment.
  On that note, suppose he shouldn't have been too surprised with the quality of the servings; every meal he was granted had actually been quite satisfying.
  However, that didn't change the fact that he was confused as to why they were choosing to keep him so well.
  Apparently silent for too long, the villain before him spoke.
  "So? Whatchya think? You know he'd ask if it were him down here; if I don't bring back some kinda feedback to him he might just lose his marbles, and heads up, I think it'd mostly be unleashed on you." she said, relaxing her posture to better meet the student's gaze.
  Once again, he paused.
  Something like that should be obvious...
  "S-sorry... it's good." he eventually spat out, exiting his own headspace.
  The girl straightened, a positive reaction.
  "Good! I suppose he'll be glad to hear ya like it." she said in a childishly playful tone as if attempting to coax him into a more relaxed state.
  He stared at her for a few moments, observing her features and generally taking her in:
  Her blonde hair was bundled up in two messy buns on either side of her head, and she dawned a beige school-style sweater as well as a navy blue pleated skirt. She had a fair complexion, her bright yellow slitted eyes standing out like a single star in a pitch black night. She had a small form, looking to have a very minimal build and moderate speed, given the length of her thin legs.
  But as he noted her appearance, one question remained dominant within his mind.
  Somehow growing uncomfortable as the silence grew, she asked between spoons:
  "You still with me or have you retreated to your own depths again?"
  "Why did you come down instead of Vill?" Midoriya blurted out, snapping entirely back to reality.
  "Come again?"
  "Ah, I-I'm sorry, I just... wanted to know... did Vill send you down here today? Why did you deliver this instead of him?" Midoriya inquired, voice wavering with embarrassment.
  The villain before him only blinked, as if what he had just asked hadn't resonated with her. After what seemed like hours, she finally replied:
  "I dunno, I just kinda wanted to see how our little intel agent was doin'. Why, would you prefer it if he delivered everything?"
  "I didn't say that," the young man said, speaking far faster than intended, "I was just... curious."
  Toga sighed, seemingly satisfied with that answer.
  "If ya say so. Ok, c'mon. Ya gotta finish this up."
  It took maybe seven minutes for his feeding to be completed, propelled along by the unsettling silence that ensued after the exchange.
  When at last the bowl was empty, Toga swiftly stood to leave.
  "Well, I suppose my job is done here. Later, kid!" she said, exiting the cell and the basement altogether after ensuring the security of Midoriya's confinement.
  Midoriya watched her leave silently, considering what she'd told him.
  She wasn't even sent? Why bother with me? She hesitated for longer than a minute when I asked so her reason is clearly a lie, so... what does she want with me?
  Emerging from the trapdoor behind the bar counter, Toga returned to the atmosphere of the LOV above ground headquarters. She had been down with Midoriya for maybe twelve minutes, attempting to figure out why she had felt the need to check in with him.
  I'm not even supposed to talk to him if it isn't about whereabouts. Why was I drawn down there?
  She pondered her apparent ethical dilemma, trying to eliminate any nonsensical answer she could conjure.
  "Back!" she said shortly, walking past Shigaraki's main quarters where he'd talk to their boss, simply known to Toga as "TV man".
  Vill was at the sink, accompanied by twice who appeared to be assisting in cleaning up, muttering to himself all the while.
  As planned, she caught Vill's attention.
  "Ah, there you are. What was he doing?"
  "Being really weird and space-y. He couldn't seem to go more than three minutes without disappearing into his thoughts. I know he's got the most info, but couldn't we have chosen a more down-to-earth hostage? Y'know, someone a little easier to talk to who can resist the pull if his own mind?" she asked, apparently annoyed.
  "Now now Toga, cut the boy some slack. It's been a month and the only person he's quite used too is me, if you can even call it that."
  "Yeah, well, he better warm up fast. I don't know how long I'll be patient."
  "Need I remind you that it was your choice to go down there in the first place? You needn't continue to go down there if it frustrates you to commune with him." Vill said, turning away from the dishes to face her.
  "He's got a point, Toga; I'll have to side with Vill here. But really, you shouldn't have to deal with the brat if he's that dang annoying!" said Twice, switching between his two personalities as usual.
  "Well, I never said he was pissing me off. I just find it weird how dissociative he can get. Creeps me out, and I don't get creeped easy!" Toga said, as if in defense though no one was antagonizing.
  "Well, it's completely up to you dear. Do as you will." Vill said with a grin, turning to continue the dishes.
  Toga huffed, temporarily agitated as she sat at the opposite counter and watched them work. She found herself locking onto Vill's movements, noticing a smirk or grin every now and again.
  "And what's got you so happy?"
  "Hm?" Vill asked, turning with a soaking dish still in hand.
  "Oh. Well... I suppose I just find a sort of comfort in my craft. You find yourself pleased after a successful slaughter, no?"
  Toga drew back, somewhat surprised by his lack of hesitancy.
  She'd never admit it, but it was why she rather favored having Vill on their team.
  "Well I guess," she said, crossing her arms in a matter vaguely similar to that of a tsundere, "but those are very different."
  "That's where you're wrong, oh pupil." Vill said, holding up a single hand as if emphasizing his point.
  "A craft is a craft like a talent is a gift. It is what it is, regardless of legal caliber."
  Momentarily overcome with surprise, she took a moment to reply, finally settling on a "whatever" as she retreated to her quarters.
  He's right... I did chose to go down on my own. I got what I wanted... so why do I still feel obligated?

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