Breaking the News

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  "I'll be ok... but they got the kid."

  Hizashi's face fell at the news. Of course he knew, seeing as Midoriya didn't come back with him, but he had no idea how it was going to fly with the rest of the class.
  Speaking of which,
  "I know, but... oh, God, we have to get you back, you need help!"
  Aizawa tried to dismiss the pro trying to get him up, but was unable,  as he began to go into another coughing fit. He was lifted off the ground and carried to Hizashi's car, (he drove himself under the assumption that something might happen and extra transportation would be needed,) where Aizawa was then rushed to the school infirmary.
  Turns out, that one punch had broken three ribs. Through some miracle however, a simple trip to recovery girl was enough to fix him up enough to get him back to 1-A.
  "Nervous?" Hizashi asked, eyeing what seemed to be a very distressed Aizawa, even through all defenses.
  "Not for myself." He answered back without looking at him.
  Upon opening the door, the two were greeted by a rather chaotic scene:
  All-Might was desperately trying to care for about seven badly shaken students, while the six who were injured were being cared for in the school infirmary. He looked up at the two entering heroes, his eyes begging for good news.
  Unfortunately, that is not what he would recieve.
  Other students began to lift their eyes and heads to the now-open sliding door of the classroom, with exception of Todoroki, who seemed to have dissociated completely in his fear and concern, up to their obviously injured home room teacher and their not-so-injured English teacher who had helped him in.
  The room went silent.
  "So... Well, I-"
  "Is Midoriya ok?" Uraraka asked, clearly worried.
  He sighed.
  "Midoriya has been taken by the League of Villains. I wasn't able to get him back this time, but mark my words: He will be returning to us."
  The room was still, paralyzed by the stunned remaining students. Even Bakugou seemed unable to express any proper emotion aside from shock.
  The silence didn't last.
  Some students began to cry. Others turned to each other and hastily mumbled their worries to each other. Some thought too much. Some not at all. Some were all too active, while others just froze.
  One, literally.
  Todoroki, who had snapped out of his self-induced trance only because his home room teacher returned, was now uncontrollably freezing over as his fear and guilt began to consume him.
  It's my fault. I let myself be calmed. I walked away from him. I got onto that bus. I left him behind. It was me. What have I done? What have I-
"Hey, Todoroki, what's going on?!"
  Asked a very nervous Uraraka, eying him with all too evident concern as she literally shook Todoroki from his panicked state.
  He tried to speak, to express all the warring emotions he now felt in his head, swirling and taking him down into what he could only describe as an abyss of terror and concern, but he couldn't get the words out. He began to freeze once more.
  "I-I'll have to excuse myself..."
  He managed to mutter, standing as ice fell off his shoulder and walking as slowly as he could manage to the door. The second it was closed, he was alone with his emotions.
  Dxxn it, why did I let them do this? I could've gone back for him; maybe even saved him. I knew what activated his quirk by then, why didn't I try to fight? Why did I let go? Why didn't I try harder to defend both him and myself? Why didn't I-
  "Young Todoroki!!" All-Might said, his alarm clearly evident in his voice to find the young hero sitting alone right outside the door and literally freezing in fear.
  "What's wrong, young man?" He asked, shaking the young hero gently and trying to get his attention back. It was a lot like trying to call Midoriya's attention back after he'd began to mutter, but it seemed... harder. He knew this wasn't any deep thought manner; the trained hero was seeing a disassociative episode.
  Luckily, he hadn't spiralled that far.
  Todoroki snapped back to attention, looking All-Might in the eye with an audible "huh" in confusion and... fear?
  "There you are." All-Might began, seeming to relax slightly to a more gentle, concerned tone. "Are you alright?"
  Todoroki looked down and shook his head, unable to give an audible response.
  All-Might wasn't clueless. He knew what the problem was already.
  "Young man... I know you're worried about him."
  "I should have stayed. I could've helped him."
  "Todoroki, this is not your fault. If I may?"
  Todoroki looked back up, nodding in prompt.
  "I understand your concern. I... I dare to say that I'm just as worried as you are. Possibly more..." the hero stops, reflecting on sudden memories. But quickly realizing Todoroki was looking at him, his eyes asking him to continue, he did.
  "But know this: I will bring him back to us."
  "No." The young hero says passionately, suddenly more alert.
  "Not without me."
  All-Might drew back slightly, surprised at the pure determination in the young man's voice.
  "Todoroki, I appreciate your desire to help, but..."
  "But what? I couldn't do anything then, but I can now, if you'll only let me."
  "But I don't want to risk the loss of another child." He said, his tone suddenly darker.
  "All-Might, please. I know what you fear here, but if I can't help him this time, now, when he really needs someone... I don't think I could forgive myself."
  The young hero looked up into the pro's eyes, fierce and determined about his cause. All-Might knew that expression. He'd seen it a million times in his own lost pupil's eyes. And perhaps quite a bit in himself, at times.
  There was no telling him no.
  He sighed, defeated.
  "Alright... I understand. I will let you help us, but... please let us try the fights on our own, first. I really don't want to lose another student."
  Todoroki nodded firmly, his eyes now alive with passion.
  "All-Might, I swear. I'm just as dedicated to his return as you."
  He stood firmly, seeming to take his ground as part of the newly created rescue team for his friend. So many things had happened that day that weren't supposed to...
  But now that he had the chance, he would get Midoriya back and fix everything.
  "I will not let this choice be made in vein."

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