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  "And you say he could truly feel you in both presence and touch?"
  "Yes. I was told to keep this quiet until another instance, but-"
  "It's alright, she was bound to tell me eventually."
  All-Might sighed, considering all he'd been told. Recovery Girl was correct in the sense that it could be a hallucination, but still, surely it meant more than just phsycological distress, though it was still completely a mystery as to why this could be happening.
  "I'm glad to have heard it from you, however."
  Todoroki cocked his head to the side, seemingly confused at the statement only giving a verbal hum in response.
  "I mean... usually the one who experiences the happening can explain the event better."
  "Oh, I see." Todoroki said, nodding and feeling somewhat relieved that All-Might was believing him in the sense that it could be something more.
  They would've continued their conversation, but Aizawa called them back into the room to continue their planning.
  "Right, ought as well get back to that. Hey..." All-Might paused, lowering his voice further to an extremely secretive tone, "Let me know the moment you have another episode, alright? I really do think it's more than just... trauma."
  Todoroki nodded firmly, almost ready to smile, giving a quiet "ok" in response.
  "Thank you."
  Aizawa calls again.
  "Alright, alright! We're on our way!" He called behind him, giving Todoroki a firm pat on the shoulder and turning back to the room.
  Shoto stands alone for a moment, thinking to himself of what was certainly to come. If course it was slightly concerning not having any clue where his already warped path was to lead him, but... he couldn't deny that he would do anything to help the lost hero return.
  A hour and a half later, the team dispands once more to depart home. All-Might, who had gone his own way down the halls, was indeed heading for a home, just... not his own.
  A student, of whom he considered far closer to him than anyone else, (by gosh, he was his pupil, All-Might had basically considered him his son), was now missing with hardly a clue as to where he could be.
  To him, it seemed almost criminal if one of the most crucial people in the boy's life wasn't one hundred percent informed on the status of Midoriya's situation and rescue.
  And so, as he stood in front of the door of Midoriya's condominium room almost thirty minutes later, he knocks, preparing his mind for what he is surely about to see.
Within a minute, the door was opened, and there stood a clearly worried Inko.
  She looked at the man in front of her, seeming elated to have a visitor who might carry news of her son. However, even as she stepped aside and welcomed him in with haste, she still seemed tired, like she hadn't slept the previous night.
  And it has only been one night...
  All-Might thought to himself sadly, eying the smaller lady with a pseudo smile.
  He sat on the couch at her insistence, thanking her for allowing him in and apologising for bothering her without a heads up.
  "Oh no, that's alright. Things are difficult, I understand that much. I'm just glad you came to visit." She said, giving the pro a tired smile as she set a glass of tea in front of him.
  "Thank you... of course. He's your son, you deserve to know." He said, picking up the glass and taking a sip, hoping to stall for time slightly as he really was hesitant to reveal the fact that he knew next to nothing about where Midoriya could be right now.
  "Thank you... so, do you know how he is?"
  All-Might paused, not exactly expecting the question in the sense it was asked.
  "Yes. I know you wouldn't know where, I don't think even I would yet. I just want to know if we know of any injuries he's undergone already." She said, looking down at her hands folded in her lap and knuckles near white from how tight she was holding.
  All-Might sighed. She was clearly already so worried, would what he was about to tell her make things any better?
  "Please," She said after All-Might's clear hesitation, "I just want to know if he's hurt."
  He sighs again, deciding to surrender.
  "Yes. The man who has taken him hostage's quirk is that by looking into his eyes, he can assume control of the person's body. This means using their quirk to his will, any way he pleases. Now if you remember, it took Midoriya himself a while to be able to even begin to control his quirk."
  Inko looked surprised, as this was the first she was hearing of Vill's quirk and abilities, but looked down and seemed focused for just a moment. She soon looked back up at him, nodding gently.
  "Yes, I remember. Izuku would usually always end up breaking whatever limb he tried to use his power in. Why do you ask?"
  He could tell it was denial, but he continued on anyway.
  "Miss Midoriya... as it stands, your son's right arm and both legs are broken just about as badly as they were after the entrance exams."
  Almost immediately, Inko's face fell.
  "And... to your knowledge, no one can heal him?"
  All-Might's hand clenched into a fist involuntarily as he nodded soberly in response.
  Her eyes water.
  "He's alone, hurt, and no one can directly help him?"
  The hero looks up at the distressed woman, clearly saddened as his smile begins to fade.
  "I'm sorry..."
  Inko's expression brakes as her eyes darken and the tears begin to run down her face. Her crying was soft, yet still sounded despairing and desperate.
  All-Might stiffened. He was expecting a reaction like this, but somehow he was expecting something a little less... depressing.
  He got up and got closer to the weeping mother who was sitting opposite him, kneeling down next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
  "Hey, it'll be alright. We're looking for him, we'll bring him back."
  "I know," she said sniffling, trying her hardest to wipe the tears that just kept coming, "I'm just... I'm just so worried for him..."
  "Miss Midoriya," he said, pausing as her crying subsided momentarily to listen to him, "I promise, for him, you, me, everyone who's hurt by this... My team will bring your son back to you. As soon as we possibly can."
  She sniffed, wiping her tears yet again.
  "I know... and I promise... that I'll do everything I can to help on this side of the team." She said, managing to smile as her determination seemed to grow.
  All-Might returns the smile in full with a chuckle.
  "Well then... a vow is made."
  She smiles at him, and after a few more minutes chatting, the hero departs for his home.
  In the hallway, the pro is left alone with his thoughts, the dominant one being how little time he had left in that form, especially as the steam began to once again rise from his body.
  Crap, he thinks as he coughs and returns to himself, guess I'm taking the bus then.
  Attempting to wipe the blood off his hands on a tissue he'd left with, Toshinori departs from the building and heads to the stop.

((A little random, I know, but I wanted to end with something light before I hecc it all up. 💟

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