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  "Hello again, children..."
  There, from across the road, was Shigaraki and the emerging League of Villains from a purple gateway the entire class had seen before.
  The culprit who had landed the knife in Bakugou's leg emerged from the fire-like portal, giggling as she witnessed the blonde's reaction.
Bakugou began, squaring up and preparing an attack when suddenly he was tied up from behind.
  Aizawa, now containing a very pissed off Bakugou, barked over him:
  "Bakugou, no! There's too many locals! Everyone, get to the bus now!!"
  Some of the more freaked out students were ushered to the bus by Hizashi to be comforted and questioned by All-Might.
  Others, who had tried to get to the vehicle, were now fighting to stay out and away from the raphidly-opening vortexes that threatened to swallow them whole and take them away from the rest of the class.
  Attacks were being thrown out left and right, anything from knives to fire to warps, hurting several students in the process.
  Within 10 minutes, almost everyone in the class was on the bus, the exceptions who were still running being Kirishima, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya.
  "Bakugou, c'mon man we gotta go!!"
  "No way Kirishima, that bastards' gotta pay!"
  "Bakugou, please man, you're bleeding! We gotta get this thing out of your leg!!"
  "Die!!" He screamed, releasing an especially large blast toward the attackers and attempting to throw Kirishima off his arm before feeling a jolt of pain shoot up through his leg, which crippled him to the ground.
  Before another gate could open beneath them, Kirishima picked the pained blonde up and carried him to the bus before he could protest.
  Hizashi helped them inside as Aizawa held back any further attacks to the already wounded students.
"All-Might!!" Kirishima yelled, trying to get the attention of the adult looking over the other six injured children and taking care of them as best as he possibly could.
  All-Might looked to the sound of the voice, noting it's urgency and seeing the obviously-in-pain Bakugou cringing into himself and yet still trying to get out of Kirishima's grasp to fight.
  "Lay him down with the others. Momo, can you give me a headcount?"
  Momo, who was creating bandages at the time, nodded and stood to note how many students were there. There was a silence, then suddenly, urgently:
  "Where's Todoroki and Midoriya??"

  "Todoroki??" Midoriya screamed above the noise of battle, trying desperately to find the final student.
  "I'm here!" Todoroki yelled back, halfway to the vehicle already; "C'mon, we're almost there!!"
  Midoriya nodded, following behind.
  The bus was within visual scope.
  The two of them kept running.
  They were almost there.
  Then a passerby screamed.
  Midoriya stopped, turning to the sound.
  "Midoriya, we have to leave!!"
Midoriya looked back to the area, seeing a man he hadn't spotted with the LOV before corner a little girl who was just trying to cross the carnival grounds.
  "Todoroki... I'm sorry. You go. I have to help her!" He said, then took off in the direction of the scene.
Todoroki hesitated behind, frustrated and torn between helping him and running.

  He chose help.

  Running along behind him, he tried to yell for him to come back. Midoriya didn't listen.
  Running to the scene with his quirk prepared, he stopped just short of the apparent villain.
  "Leave her alone!!" He screamed, trying to divert the attention of the villain.
  The man turned slowly, a slight "hm?" escaping his throat. He paused, but eventually spoke up.
  "I suppose you're right, hero. She's just trying to get to her mom, right? Apologies."
  Todoroki, who was just arriving, looked at the man, briefly making eye contact.
  Suddenly, the young hero stopped moving. Though just as quickly as he'd stopped, he started again, walking up to the young girl in an oddly composed manner.
  Taking hold of the girl's still-shaking form, he began to rush her back to Aizawa, not stopping, or saying anything for that matter, to Midoriya, who had been left in a temporarily dazed and confused state.
  Did that villain just comply??
  "What's the matter? Not used to a man with manners?"
  "W-wait, you really didn't-"
  Right as Midoriya made eye contact, his whole world went dark. Within fifteen seconds, his vision faded, his hearing lessened, and he felt his entire body shut down.
  He no longer felt like... himself.
  Todoroki, who had just been through the experience, snapped back to reality and found himself extremely confused as to how he ended up back at the bus.
  "W-wait, how did I-"
  He looked around. He had just handed a girl to Aizawa, who was getting her to safety. Was this... the girl the villain just had? How did he get here? He looked back to the area.
  Midoriya still stood in front of the man, though he seemed... different.
  He stood with his head down, his body... oddly limp.
  "W-wait, I have to get back over there!" Todoroki said, his voice rising as he fought what was apparently now Hizashi holding him back and trying to get him to stop.
  "Todoroki, come on, Aizawa will get him back, but we need to get the rest of you back, now!!!"
  "No, wait, something happened to him, he won't listen, it has to be me!"
  "Todoroki, please, we have to go!! Aizawa and I will handle this. We'll take care of him. We will get him back. Please just trust us..."
  Todoroki looked at the hero who now promised his friend's safety.
  After realizing how much was at stake he nodded, allowing himself to be calmed. He turned around, rushing into the bus before he could see any more of the scene playing out behind him.
  All-Might looked up to the entering hero-in-training, giving him a questioning glance. Todoroki was about to answer, but the bus began to move, a little quicker than it should have.
  One student short.
  "Where is he??" Aizawa asked when he got back from returning the little girl to her parents, searching for their lost hero.
  "Over there!" Hizashi said, pointing to the young man, who now turned to face the two pro heroes. "So uh... what's the plan?"
  "He's already seen me. I'll let you provide backup, and really hope you don't mess it up."
  "Wait, you're going on the offensive??"
  However, Hizashi's concerns were drowned out as Aizawa already began to charge at his opponents.
  Midoriya, or, his body at least, turned to the charging Aizawa, and with no reaction, squared up.
  In a swift movement, he jumped and took to the skies. Aizawa, who noticed his position before he jumped, sprang up with him, thanks to the part of his scarf that had been tied to "Midoriya's" ankle. Just as he prepared to use his quirk on him, he looked him square in the eyes.
  Those large, brilliant eyes that should have been green, were now blood red.
  That was the last detail he was able to notice before Midoriya hit him hard in the chest, no control over his quirk, throwing Aizawa back to the ground, leaving him sprawled on the sidewalk.
  Hizashi, temporarily shocked, couldn't move. That is, until Aizawa began to cough and move his hand to his chest.
  "Oh, shi- Aizawa are you ok?!?" He yelled, running over to a very weak pro hero.
  "I'm ok, I'm fine-" he said, however failing to halt a coughing fit and the blood that emerged from his throat with it.
  After a few minutes, it subsided, Aizawa still obviously out of breath and weak, but he had to finish his statement.

  "I'll be ok... but they got the kid."

The Puppeteer: A Controlled!Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now