A Real Field Trip???

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"Huh?? A carnival???"
Almost the entire class of 1-A said it at the exact same time. An ACTUAL field trip? No strings attached? No, that couldn't be right.
"Wait, Aizawa sensei, are you serious about going just to have fun? This isn't some kind a set-up, right?" Sero said, raising an eyebrow as he considered previous "field trips". Usually, even if they weren't a planned fight, it became someone against another person, or someone being hurt either way.
Aizawa shot him a look, then relaxed his demeanor.
"No, no set-ups. Apparently, Nezu liked the idea of you all just going out and relaxing for a day. And even if things do go wrong, I trust you'd know what to do."
Excited chatter filled the room, each student conversing with one another.
This is when we focus on a very excited Ochako, who has taken to excitedly ranting to Midoriya about what they could do throughout the day.
"Ooh, do you think they have a carousel?? Those are my favorite!!"
"Really? I always thought you'd be more into drop rides." Tsu said, now leaning in to hear the conversation better.
"Why do so many people think that...?"
Tsu shrugged, nodding her head with the gesture.
"Not sure, ribbit. Hey Iida, what would you want to do?"
"That would all depend on what they had. Either way, I'm sure it'll be a good time!" He said, giving a firm nod and a quick thumbs up.
"Yeah, we could just worry about it when we get there." Now says Midoriya, who had previously just been listening to the excited hub-bub of the group before him.
Everyone seemed to settle on this mentality, continuing to talk about what the day might consist of.
Midoriya had been listening and offering his thoughts happily for a while, until he noted Todoroki still sitting alone at his desk, seeming to observe the remainder of students in the class, who had all taken to each other.
Excusing himself, he headed over to the lonesome young man.
"Hey, Todoroki." He said, offering a smile as he stood in front of him.
The male continued to look up at Midoriya, aknowleding him with a nod. "Hello, Midoriya."
"So... were you going to be with any certain group for the day?"
Todoroki shrugged. "Not sure. But I believe Aizawa would prefer that."
Midoriya bit the inside of his cheek, hesitating for a moment.
"Well, uh... I don't think anyone with me would mind if you joined us..."
Todoroki looked at him, then to the group behind, then back to his hands for a moment. After a few seconds, he nodded silently. "Is this an invite?"
Midoriya flushed, slightly embarrassed.
"Uh, well, yeah, but you Don't have to-"
"Thank you. I think I'll accept."
He nodded again, got up from his desk, and headed over to Midoriya's little group.
Midoriya waited there a moment, comprehending what he'd just said.
After realizing it was a yes, he headed over again himself.
"Hey there, Todoroki!" Ochako said, pleased to see that Deku had rounded up another student to join them.
"Hello." He said back, acknowledging the group.
"Decided to join us, ribbit?" Tsu asked, tilting her head to the side gently.
"Yes, if that's alright." He said, glancing up at the rest of the group.
Iida smiled.
"Of course! Just happy to see that you've chosen to come along!"
Todoroki almost smiled, nodding at the group yet again in gratitude.
As the bus pulled up to drive them to the carnival, the students continued to group up and chat, the air buzzing with excitement. The atmosphere was light, and it seemed as though the plan for the day was rather loose. Even Bakugou was smiling, even if it was after successfully scaring his fellow classmates.
The bus ride there was about the same.
Halfway through, Todoroki leaned over to Midoriya nonchalantly.
"May I ask something?"
Midoriya turned to him, slightly confused, and responded as casually as he could: "Hm? Yeah, sure! What is it?"
He was quiet for a moment, but went on: "Have you ever been to one of these events before?"
Midoriya was surprised, not quite expecting the question.
"Well, uh... I think so, once or twice. My mom's taken me to a few before." He said, a large smile on his face as he recalled the memories.
Todoroki looked down at his hands, his expression doing just the opposite of the energetic young hero next to him.
"I... can't quite say the same."
"Really?? You've... never been to a carnival before?" He asked, his smile turning to an expression of disbelief.
"I can't say that I have. Is that bad?"
"W-well, not bad, but... it's kinda sad..."
Todoroki looked back up to Midoriya, his expression not too different to a confused young child.
"Hm... well, y'know what? Todoroki, I won't let your first trip to a carnival go in vain! I swear, we'll make sure your first time is your best! Right, guys?"
Iida, who seemed to have been listening in upon request, gave a firm nod and smile.
"Of course!! We'll allow you to have an amazing time!"
Ochako, finally bringing her attention to the conversation, gave a big thumbs up, and Tsu gave a ribbit of approval.
Once again, Todoroki almost smiled, giving another nod.
Finally at the carnival, the day played out serenely and energetically. Everyone was having a good time; even Mineta seemed to have someone to hang out with.
Midoriya and his group, (which I will be referring to as the "Dekusquad" for obvious reasons,) began by request at the carousel, and moved itself up the rides. From funhouses to roller coasters, the day really was just one to have fun. Finally, around 8:00pm, everyone, (including the chaperones, who were All-Might, Aizawa, and Hizashi,) was called back to the busses to return to UA.
Uraraka, holding a large pink rabbit plush she'd won, yawned just loud enough to be heard but not noticed by anyone other than the surrounding Dekusquad.
"Wow, I'm beat."
"Me too, ribbit. It was a fun trip though." Tsu said, nodding with the statement.
Todoroki was obviously tired, but throughout the day, could be caught with a tiny smile on his face.
All-Might was inside the bus, counting heads and ensuring that everyone was accounted for. (Or at least he would, as soon as everyone had gotten to the bus.)
Aizawa got to the front and quieted the class as he usually did, by flashing the effects of his quirk at everyone, and began to look over the students present. Everything seemed to be in order, until suddenly his gaze became fixed on something in the distance.
Though he wasn't the only one who noticed, as students began to turn around, Midoriya began to voice the one question on everyone's mind:
"Uh, Mr. Aizawa? Is everything oka-"
Bakugou yelled, cutting Midoriya off mid-sentence. When he turned to look at his classmate, there was a knife in his left calf.
"ALRIGHT, WHO THE HELL-" He began, but stopped as he turned to see the same thing Aizawa's gaze was fixed on just a moment ago.
There, further away from the group, was a very familiar face.
Or rather, the hand over it.

"Hello again, children..."

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