They Called You Deku

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(By the way this will explain why Midoriya was crying in the first place, so this happens at the same time as the previous chapter. Also beginning at the same time.)
  Planning for so called attack went on for about three hours, finally ending when they'd taken all they could about proposed location and possible grey area both from each other and from Midoriya. Vill hadn't yet released control, and was walking Midoriya back to the cell he was previously held in.
  Getting close to twelve... might just have to make lunch soon.
  Vill thought to himself after briefly glancing at a clock they had set up on the wall of the room. It was often that he thought about these things, but never usually while he had control of a vessel.
  After sitting Midoriya back down in the cell and locking the door, he sat down cross legged on the opposite side and closed his eyes.
  "Now then, while we're here, maybe I should learn a bit more about you." Vill said to Midoriya, who was shackled by the arms, legs, and neck in the black void surrounding them. He raised his head, suddenly surprised to have been spoken directly to.
  "What do you mean by that?" He said, as calmly as he could despite situation.
  "Well you saw me draw info on the park, didn't you? Surely you don't think that's all I'm good for."
  "I didn't say that."
  "Of course not. Oh my, you're still confused aren't you? Selfish of me not to share knowledge. Or maybe not, since it's yours."
  "Allow me."
  Just after he said that, memories of Midoriya's came front and center in the otherwise black vacuum. But they weren't good.
  All of the most painful experiences he'd ever had so far were being pulled back to the front of his mind completely against his will. Being told he was quirkless, all the teasing from Bakugou including the infamous swan dive quote, every time he had hurt himself with his quirk, the thought of dying in battle or losing a friend... he didn't realize it, but before long he found himself screaming for Vill to stop, slight tears rolling down his cheeks.
  Vill was silent for a moment, seeming to be reflecting on all he'd just saw.
  "Wow... you've had it tough, haven't you?"
  "Please... just leave it alone..."
  "I'm serious! Having an idol, looking up to them, wanting to be like them, and then having every dream you have at the time shattered by the doctors and... even your own mother, whom you love and trusted for support at that fragile time... she betrayed you.
  And well, as for your father, he wasn't even there to try to help you. He's never called, has he? Never even checked in on his boy. Probably doesn't even know that you even finally developed a quirk, which might be for the better, since you can't really use it without badly injuring yourself.
  What's that name the blonde called you? Deku? Japanese for useless, right?  And how many times have you thought yourself completely deserving of that title?"
  "SHUT UP!!!" Midoriya screamed, all the pain from those years he thought he'd put behind him coming right back to the front of his head, opening every old wound and scar he thought he'd tended to. He couldn't help it; he had started crying again. Bad idea in front of a villain.
  "I don't think I will. As a matter of fact, I believe I have every right to keep on talking. I personally believe he was right. Look at you, you defenseless fxxk. Look at your situation. And you're doing nothing to even try to escape!" He said, raising his voice as he delivered a swift slap to Midoriya's cheek, smirking as the chains rattled and he flinched in pain.
  "In my opinion.... he's completely right."
  Suddenly, the chains disappeared with Vill and Midoriya was dropped to the floor. Alone in the space with all that pain resurfaced, (and created with the slap,) he couldn't bring himself to do much else but continue to cry, both in the emptiness surrounding him and in the real world. He longed for someone to be there for him; to bring him back from the dark and let him feel... less alone.
  He knew that any of his friends would be glad to be here. Uraraka would probably want to first, she was always extremely careful with him whenever he'd cry. Iida would be glad to be there, good with words but probably not the best with presence. And Todoroki... gosh, one would think he'd be bad at comfort but... the things Midoriya would've done to have him there...
  He closed his eyes, crying to himself in the vacuum he found himself in. But suddenly things started to change. They were little things, but enough to startle him.
  His hearing diminished to ringing, and he felt himself drift in a way. He didn't know why, but... the feeling was scaring him.
  He curled up as much as his body would allow and continued to weep softly to himself. He wasn't sure how long he remained like that before his sensations returned, and he could suddenly feel a hand on his shoulder.
  He flinched, a small yelp escaping his lips, but he soon relaxed entirely after a familiar voice called to him.
  Almost immediately after he heard him, Izuku brought his head up enough to see the cause of the sound:
  Just for a brief moment, he could see the burnt eye of his friend that he'd become so used to. The red and white hair and deep voice that had once before assured him that everything was going to be ok, was now kneeling right beside him.
  However, emphasis on was.
  Too soon everything mixed together in a kaleidoscope of chaos within Midoriya's own vision, (not to mention his hearing, which had also descended to discord), and he awoke to the make-shift dungeon once more, gasping for breath.
  His heart racing, he attempted to sit up and check the room around him, wondering what he just saw and why it had gone so suddenly. However, he had forgotten he was injured, and swiftly returned to his position on the floor, scrunched up in pain and confusion.
  "Why... did you go... so quickly?" He asked, practically to the air as if searching for answers.
  Though he knew there were none to be discovered.

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