Time Marches On

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  Todoroki didn't think much of the next dew days. Everything felt the same: arrive early, go in circles, traverse his classes, worry that Uraraka was onto him, return to classes, return to the team, realize leads were little, and reluctantly journey homeward. That was another thing that blurred things together; his home life was cycling as well. As usual, Enji would attempt to coax hints or answers from him, fail, then get mad and raise his voice.
  The only things that separated days from each other was occasionally positive interactions with Fuyumi and the attempted and occasionally successful connections between him and Midoriya. There would be nights where he'd just awaken cold, others crying, and in the worst of cases hyperventillating. It was these nights when he'd initiate contact; knowing his friend needed someone, and quickly.
  On one of these nights when he'd rush to his aid, Midoriya had revealed that often times these nightmares were simply memories of what he'd done against his will and was allowed to keep within his mind. On worse nights, it would be the supposed scenario that he was to severely injure (or kill) one if his beloved companions.
  It was these terrors that had him shaking and sobbing, desperately clinging to him.
  It pained Todoroki to see his friend in so much fear; it wasn't natural or normal. When it came to Midoriya, he was always so determined.
  But it seemed as though as of late, he was sheepish, somewhat nervous as he was when he first entered 1-A.
  Anyway, he hadn't just noticed that; Midoriya's thermal situation had gotten worse. It wasn't like Todoroki was expecting him to be treated well, but still, before he would only be disturbed by a chill down his spine, but now it felt more like the cold sank into his skin, something he hadn't felt since he was first learning how to operate his right side.
  Trying to get him to remain conscious when hypothermia begins to sink in becomes harder every day. I don't mind staying up later if it means keeping him with us, but if I'm having to stay up later, how long is his mind kept running?
  That thought had circulated Todoroki's head so many times, both absently and dominantly as he'd ponder the late, frigid nights in the cellar his friend had to bear virtually alone. The deprivation of sleep he was receiving must have been wearing him down, (by gosh, "must have" was an understatement; every time their minds intertwined he could practically feel the weariness of his companion overtake him) but somehow he still found it within himself to keep running.
  Even in fear, he remains as determined as he can manage. But it might be his downfall if he doesn't rest his body...
  "Todoroki?" Uraraka asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was December 9th now, a Wednesday; this means that two weeks had passed since the last incident. Again with acting aloof, he had apparently spaced out during lunch.
  "Apologies... what were you asking?" he asked, lifting his head slightly to better set his eyes upon the young girl before him to be greeted with a terribly concerned expression.
  "Nothing. As a matter of fact, none of us have said hardly anything this entire break. You've been out of it this whole time. It's quite concerning." Iida said, his voice somewhat quiet as if attempting to keep the details private.
  Todoroki shook his head, trying to remove himself fully from his thoughts.
  "I... suppose I've found myself rather preoccupied within the last two weeks. I apologize." he said, avoiding everyone's eyes as he looked to the small meal before him.
  "It's fine, you just haven't been this disengaged since before the sports festival, ribbit." Tsu remarked, tilting her head to the side seemingly in concern.
  "I'll be alright, I'm sure. There's no need for excessive concern."
  The table went quiet, the three around Todoroki exchanging worried glances.
  "Well, if you're sure..." Uraraka began, trying to start up some sort of conversation. It took a moment, but eventually she went on: "Hey, would anyone be down to come over next weekend?" she asked, seeming to brighten at the thought of the company.
  Tsu relaxed, looking up as if in consideration.
  "Yeah, probably. Whaddya have in mind?" she asked, raising a brow quizzically.
  "Not much, just... a way to loosen up for the night!"
  "Seems like a good idea. Who all would be invited to tag along?" Iida asked, seeming interested.
  "Well of course I'd propose the idea to the whole class, but I doubt everyone will show up." she said with a shrug, smiling at the idea.
  "I see... I'll try to see myself there!" he said warmly, nodding firmly. With that, attention fell onto Todoroki, who had been only loosely following the conversation.
  He was silent for a moment, but found it within himself to speak up.
  "I'd like to attend, but it will be up to schedule." he said, once again looking her in the eye, to which she responded with a slightly brighter smile.
  The bell rang above.
  "Ah, well, 'spose we better get back." Uraraka said, chuckling slightly.
  "That, we should." Iida returned, going to clean up the remnants of his meal.
  Todoroki stood, gathering his things silently.
  It would be nice to avoid the house for a while. But if a meeting runs overtime...
  Once again, Uraraka brought him out of his head by tapping him on the shoulder.
  "Hey, can I talk to you a second?" she asked, worried expression returning.
  He paused, turning to face her with a quiet "mm-hm".
  "I... I know you might have other plans, but... I'd really like to see you there. If at all possible. I think... I think it might be good for all of us." she said, looking concerned with a gentle smile.
  He only stared back at her, considering his options. Of course he wanted to attend, the question, was could he? If a meeting ran long Friday evening there's a possibility he could arrive late, and if his and Midoriya's emotions intertwined and caused him a panic, what's likely to be the whole class would likely know of the secret that was to have been kept between him and the rest of the team.
  The only thing he wasn't worried about was Endeavor's allowance; goodness knows he wouldn't care and Todoroki would probably go either way.
  "I can try."
  She sighed, looking defeated only for a moment before smiling back up at him again.
  "Good. I guess that's all I can ask."
  He nodded, gesturing in the direction of their classroom.
  "Should we walk together?"
  Any remaining concern dropped from Uraraka's face.
  "Yeah!" she replied positively, brightening at the request.
  On the way back to the room, Todoroki let his mind run once more.
  I'm aware that my emotions may feed into his as well. If I were to go and feel at ease, would that be good for him, too?

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